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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Electric Youth

This talk of Jenrry Mejia starting the season as the setup man for K-Rod is ridiculous. If the season starts today, Mejia’s my closer.

Oh, if talent only made it so.

It won’t happen that way, but Jenrry is looking inevitable. It will take a bad case of evitablity — or yet another wave of Prevention & Recovery — to keep him off this team, assuming the way Mejia’s pitches move isn’t a mirage. Only an OutKast among Mets wouldn’t say, “I like the way they move.”

I sure hope I’m not seeing Julio Machado or Josias Manzanillo or Ju-ever out there when I look at Jenrry Mejia. I penciled those fellows in as oughta-be closers in their day based on larger samples. Alas, their day never really came. Jenrry Mejia Day is coming, though, and April 5 is as good a date as any to hold it.

Frankie Rodriguez needs to work the pink out of his eye. Let him set up Mejia like he set up Troy Percival long ago, back when K-Rod was unhittable (back when K-Rod was Jen-Mej). Let Parnell work the seventh. Let Sean Green park cars.

3 comments to Electric Youth

  • metthunder

    agree, no Mejia for 8th inning, put him in AA as a starter then AAA then call him up in Sept and let him start or worse case be the long man. Rushing him is no answer. And I don’t trust Green with a shopping cart.

  • Dave

    And your evidence that Sean Green would do a good job parking cars?

    Parnell – put him in the rotation in Triple A with the hope that he can develop a pitch or two besides a sometimes-moving fastball. As for Mejia, please. Guy has pitched just over 200 minor league innings, and that’s counting the Mets’ team in the Dominican League, he’s 20 years old, it’s the first half of March, he didn’t pitch well in AA last year, some of the guys he’s getting out are wearing number 89, and there is absolutely no reason related to the 2010 NL East standings why he should be rushed to the show. Let him develop. Unfortunately, with a GM and manager whose jobs are both hanging by a thread, the temptation to create a big early-season splash is likely to be inconsistent with any philosophy about being patient with young talent.