The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Truth, Justice and the Mets Way

This is a public service announcement: If you haven't already, please visit and read Matthew Cerrone's call to arms to turn up the heat on the sweethearts behind the Mets blackout. Fight the good fight, folks! (And if you aren't Met fans, please help out if you can nonetheless: Your team could well be […]

Walking On Sunshine

Editor’s Note: Greg is off to Washington to cover the Mets’ first road game against the Nationals. As he will be unavailable to post immediately thereafter, we are happy to offer a Faith and Fear Classic of his which originally ran April 29, 1985, twenty years ago today. Whether you’re seeing it for the first […]

Royce and Rich

Wow, a Royce Ring sighting. That reminds me of a story for an off-day. Be advised that this story has almost nothing to do with actual baseball. In other words….

Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! Geek Alarm! Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!

We’ve occasionally discussed The Holy Books, my pair of binders collecting baseball cards for all the Mets since 1962: […]

Jacome with a Spoon

Glavine's been mostly terrible for us. Pedro's been mostly wonderful for us. Benson's been hurt. Ishii's been hurt. Zambrano's a mystery. Trachsel has a disc.

And none of them came up through the system.

Weren't we renowned for our pitching at one point? At several points? Weren't we Seaver, Koosman, Ryan, McAndrew, McGraw, Gentry, Matlack, Swan and […]

Unlucky His Whole Life If He Don't Change

After listening to today's indignities I still can't rekindle my loathing for those guys wearing Braves uniforms — beating us was their job, after all. But I am pretty annoyed with Tom Glavine.

The Braves said it themselves, after the game. Andruw Jones talked about how they know what Glavine will do every time they […]

Deadly Eddie

Note to Mets fans: Don't ever lose track of Eddie Perez. He will make you pay.

Devils & Dust

The prickly advisor to my high school newspaper had a go-to reaction anytime anything got under his skin:

Damn, damn, damn.

I'll avail myself of Albert Lindauer's pet phrase in the wake of something far more annoying than one of the kids leaving the cap off the rubber cement or forgetting to turn off an IBM Selectric. […]

Sound and Fury

Well, darn. Hottest hitter on the club up, tie game just a worm-killer/little dunker/smash single/double/triple/home run/wild pitch/passed ball/balk away, and all for naught. As Joshua likes to say sagely, “That happens sometimes.” Wonder what tomorrow will bring — no closer is safe, that's for sure. Dan Kolb's meltdown was one of the more startling gag […]

Not So Crazy, But Perhaps Schizotypal

Hey, maybe I'm not so crazy after all. My hunch, stated Monday, that Captain Carlos was taking care of Mike so Mike could take care of opposing pitchers finds some resonance via Marty Noble who sensed something not altogether “subtle” at work Sunday.

Beltran told's Noble that he believes in Piazza: “I wasn't thinking about […]

Lightning Strikes…Not Once But Twice

Eeeek. But it all turned out OK.

I'm officially onboard with your psychological explanation of Carlos Beltran's strange double push bunt on Sunday. It's genius, it shows true leadership at work, and I very much want it to be true. And it's worked for two days, hasn't it? Perhaps Carlos is the Gen. Patton Mike always […]