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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Sound and Fury

Well, darn. Hottest hitter on the club up, tie game just a worm-killer/little dunker/smash single/double/triple/home run/wild pitch/passed ball/balk away, and all for naught. As Joshua likes to say sagely, “That happens sometimes.” Wonder what tomorrow will bring — no closer is safe, that's for sure. Dan Kolb's meltdown was one of the more startling gag jobs I've seen in since…oh hell, since Looper on Opening Day. If Marcus Giles gets eaten up by that mean hop on Victor Diaz's shot to second, Kolb could easily have departed the loser with a big zero under IP. But he got two outs out of it, somehow, and we had too far to go, despite some pretty stirring heroism.

I see (OK, hear) lots of faults — most glaringly, Jose Reyes makes Ryan Thompson look like an OBA machine and Kaz Matsui seems to be hypnotized by any ground ball that arrives at more than a 1-degree angle — but you know what? I'm coming to really like this team of ours. You never know if they're going to do something brilliant, brave, boneheaded or bizarre, and everytime you assume any of the four is impossible, it happens. Or almost does.

So we clawed our way back to the summit, slipped on a patch of ice and fell off again, this time for keeps. So what. I can't believe it's 13 hours until we get another game. Get those guys back on the field and give us some more ball!

I was gonna tell a baseball-card story about Royce Ring and Rich Sauveur, but it'll wait.

1 comment to Sound and Fury

  • Anonymous

    If Reyes gets his head out of his butt (his pitch recognition was a lot better before August 31, 2003 and he seemed to be improving his walk rate with every passing week of his rookie year), this team is going to be something to reckon with for the large majority of the season. Because he can be a force.
    I don't know what to say about Matsui. Somehow, I put aside my utter disgust with his defense and like him. I do. But it's almost like he and Glavine don't belong here. It's like, “Hey…wait a minute…you guys are disappointing Mets holdovers…that's not us anymore. It's 2005, man. Shouldn't you two be eating lunch with Roberto or working out with Mo? Even Heilman's trying to get on board; because he's a Met and Mets are good. Get with the times…”