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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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For One Day, Call Him Mr. Irrelevant

Yo, Philly! We can beat you with our best player tied behind our back!

I nearly spit when I heard Willie was resting Cliff. I'm sorry, do we have a lot of guys batting .391? Slugging .701? Being Death to Flying Things? How on earth are we supposed to win a game without Cliff Floyd?

Why, with everybody else. T-E-A-M! TEAM! TEAM! TEAM!

A little carried away I might be, but this was one of those games that would have been lost under the stewardship of Art Howe. I don't have any specific moves in mind that Willie made that Art never did, but a black cloud would've settled somewhere over Shea just in time for the demolition firm of Burrell, Abreu & Rollins to inflict fatal damage to our infrastructure. This had all the ingredients for the classic Phillies 8 Mets 7 type of game that has been absolute L on us since Bo Diaz was sticking it to Neil Allen.

Instead, a win. In the sun. With Cliff Floyd proving, for a day, irrelevant to Mets' success. Wow. First we tell the world we are so blessed with starting pitching that we take guys who throw seven innings of one-hit ball and ship them to Norfolk. Then we glue a 20-game hitting streak to the bench and what happens?

The heretofore missing Mets find themselves — not just Benson and Cameron, both looking like players and reminding us why we want them, but other heretofore lost souls. Piazza and Mientkiewicz came back from slumps; Wright recovered from a momentary lapse; Heilman conquered a new if temporary role; Diaz made himself at home in left for an afternoon; and Looper cleaned up somebody else's mess.

So who needs Cliff Floyd? Well, us, desperately…just not Thursday.

To be fair, Brrrrrl, who gives us chills, got jobbed on a called strike three to end the game. But good goes around. In the eighth, Jose followed a pinch-hit from Marlon Anderson (speaking of finds) with a deadly drag bunt. He beat the throw but was called out. Karma owed us one, so take a hike, Pat. It's good to see wrongdoing get righted.

Kudos, on that count, to Ted Robinson. With Anderson and Beltran on base, Mike launched a mighty blow over the left field fence. Three runs scored. Ted, whose brain must be rattled by all time he's forced to spend alongside Fran Healy, shouted “GRAND SLAM!” Within seconds, he apologized for being “giddy” and good-naturedly corrected the record in a way some pompous announcers (Thorne-choo!) never do. Maybe he was thinking that Reyes should've been on base.

Reyes should always be on base. Reyes swings. Reyes bunts. And now? (With deep apologies to Kanye West.)

Reyes Walks

Willie show him the way because his hamstring's tryin' ta break him down

Reyes Walks

The only thing that I pray is that his legs don't fail him now

Reyes Walks

And I don't think there's nothing they can do now to make him look screwy

Reyes Walks

Now can somebody somewhere please walk Matsui?

Finally, on to our most popular new feature…



Through 29 Games

1993 METS: 11-18 (Final Record: 59-103)

2005 THEM: 11-18 (Final Record: ??-???)

Remember: It's all about the rings, baby!

3 comments to For One Day, Call Him Mr. Irrelevant

  • Anonymous

    Headline seen on Yahoo MLB:
    “Yankees enter Devil Ray territory”
    As Greg likes to say, “welcome to the rest of us.”

  • Anonymous

    As I have said elsewhere, the cherry on top of the Yankee-misery schadenfreude sundae is Mad Dog Russo continuing to refer to Robinson Cano as “Canoooo.”

  • Anonymous

    Two words where Russo's mastery of pronunciation and baseball is concerned: