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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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This Story Writes Itself

ATLANTA (FAF) — The New York Mets continued to be mired in an endless morass against their archrivals, the Braves, [day that game was played], losing [final score] at Turner Field.

Tom Glavine was

_ his usual effective self in pinning another defeat on the Mets.

_ beaten badly yet again by his old team.

X pitching pretty well until his old team finally got to him.

The Mets seemed to be catching a break in that they were facing

_ journeyman Andy Ashby,

_ a slumping Mike Hampton,

X Tim Hudson, unaccustomed to going on three days’ rest,

but were stymied nonetheless by a pitcher who rose to the occasion by throwing [number] strong innings in picking up the win.

New York had a big chance to get on the board in the [number] inning, but

_ was doomed by a questionable umpire’s call.

_ couldn’t cash in despite its manager’s use of several pinch-hitters and pinch-runners.

X left men on base when Cliff Floyd and Mike Piazza failed to deliver the key hit.

While the Braves’ starter certainly performed admirably, the visitors’ offense wasn’t helped by the continued hitting woes of the mysteriously slumping

_ Brian McRae.

_ Roberto Alomar.

X Doug Mientkiewicz.

The Mets’ frustration was best expressed by their skipper.

_ “I don’t really care what you thought,” said a testy Bobby Valentine. “They were the right moves when I made them and I’d make every one of them again tomorrow if they’re the right moves then.”

_ “My guys battled,” said a resigned Art Howe. “We’ll go out and try to get ’em tomorrow.”

X “If you are against a good pitcher like that, you have to take advantage of every opportunity you get,” said an increasingly exasperated Willie Randolph. “You’ve got to get on him early.”

Though the Mets are used to suffering at the hands of Atlanta stalwarts like Chipper Jones and Brian Jordan, the Braves who stuck the daggers in the Mets’ heart were little-used

_ Keith Lockhart and Eddie Perez.

_ Henry Blanco and Mark DeRosa.

X Wilson Betemit and Ryan Langerhans.

The loss leaves the Mets

_ gasping for air in their bid for the National League Wild Card.

_ all but eliminated in their late rush for a division title.

X suddenly five games behind the surging first-place Marlins.

In the series finale, the Mets will attempt to

_ break the Turner Field jinx that has haunted them for the first few years of the ballpark’s existence.

_ break the Turner Field curse that has conspired against them for the first half-dozen years that the ballpark’s been open for business.

X break the Turner Field hex that has been all too real to them for almost a decade since the ballpark began operations.

5 comments to This Story Writes Itself

  • Anonymous

    I don't even know why I continue to watch. It never changes. Even if by some miracle we tie the game in the top of the 9th, that little voice inside says “What are you getting all excited for? You know they're just going to come up and perform their usual heroics and win it anyway!”
    I wouldn't mind it nearly as much if every loss didn't mean a full game in the standings. I'm really, REALLY tired of this.

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    Absolutely inspired. CC a copy to Omar.

  • Anonymous

    This gruesome state of affairs has nothing to do with Omar. It can only be attributed to a much higher (or, to be more precise, LOWER) power. It was going on before Omar, and it will continue long after he's gone. Omar could sign the entire NL All-Star team and nothing would change. We'd still be either trampled on or occasionally pull it out by the skin of our teeth, 19 times a year. It is what it is.
    And even though common sense tells me this entry should be funny, it's not. Not even close. It's the miserable, painful, embarrassing truth. The names on the uniforms may change, but the vibe doesn't.
    I always knew Betemit and Langerhans would be trouble.

  • Anonymous

    Positively brilliante. I had to go into another language because someone already used the english version.