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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Can Sheff Pitch?

Because Kaz Ishii can't.

Ishii will fool you with the occasional decent outing, but when he blows up it's so spectacular he tends to take the whole bullpen with him, which is not what we need before a day game.

Time to face facts: Ishii has had 11 starts and seven of them have been out-and-out bad. Sure, before tonight he hadn't walked more than two guys in his last four starts. But that doesn't mean they were good starts — in those four starts he gave up 5 ER, 5 ER, 3 ER (in 5.2 innings) and 3 ER (in 6.2 innings).

It's obvious Aaron Heilman could top that. More to the point, it's hard to think of a pitcher who couldn't. Jae Seo? I have ample faith he could beat 2-7 with a 5.68 ERA. Jason Scobie? Bob Keppel? Manny Aybar? Matt Ginter? Anybody got the phone number of James Baldwin's agent? Ishii's only purpose seems to be making The Manchurian Brave look good.

Oh well. Once again we put our trust in Pedro. Once again we try for .500. I tip my hat to the people who were still there when it was 6-1, raining hard and yet still piss-hot. I would have been tempted to skedaddle even if Ishii had been pitching a no-hitter.

P.S. Yes, Gary, we get it — you don't want to be traded. Enjoy your time covering all of right field and three-quarters of center, champ.

3 comments to Can Sheff Pitch?

  • Anonymous

    There is a haunting breeze sending chills through the center of my soul. It has cast my spirit into a wave of hopeless remorse. Thus begins my black descent into the bottomless sea of despair; a fountain's thirst quenched only by the undeniable gravity of pitiless regret.
    Nope…wait…just the memory of James Baldwin, circa 2004, stirred by your way-to-casual mention. Next time, warn me. Thanks!

  • Anonymous

    Eeek! It's Scott Erickson! RUN!

  • Anonymous

    You remind me of something I wrote about Kris Benson on July 10th of last year, a full nine days before Erickson ever threw a pitch:
    However, even though his stats this year are startlingly similar to those of one Matt Ginter, given that the Mets have funds to spare, he's a better option than any fifth starter the Mets currently have, and he'll end up sparing us all the nightmare of Erickson (James Baldwin II) starting games.