There are worse things than being a .500 ballclub. For one thing, when you continually find yourself one below, you are continually given chances to climb back to .500 [1] and then can continually hold out hope that you will inch one above .500. It gives you something to shoot for and allows you to have humility, which comes from being humble and not having Humber.
You can also take comfort in the notion that a win is never more than a day or two away. Losing too many robs you of hope. Winning makes you take it for granted.
I guess we're just right.
In terms of competitive alignment, maybe we've been looking at this all wrong. I keep thinking we're just about to get on the roll that will put us well beyond .500 and turn us into the team that won't be caught. Maybe what's going to happen is we'll just keep chugging along a win and a loss at a time while everybody else in the East suffers the one big meltdown that each of them is due. Then, as they all sink below us, we'll be the team that can't be passed. Right now, that's probably as good a shot as we have to win — or not lose — this thing.
Credit Eddie Coleman with the line of the year in the bottom of the fourth. With the Mets far ahead but rain threatening to render the whole matter unofficial, the precipitation suddenly ceased. Maybe, Eddie speculated, Pedro simply put his hands up and made it stop.