The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Gwatuitous Shots At A-Wad


I am Awex Wodwiguez.


I own a mansion and a yacht.

I've cowwected many, many accowades in my fabuwous caweeuh. I was Most Vowuboo Pwayuh once, when I pwayed with the Texas Wanguhs. And I should cowwect that vewy same accowade weauh, weauh soon.

Now I pway with the Bwonx Bombuhs!

Technicawwy, I don't pway at pwesent. My yeauh is ovuh.

We wost in Cawifawnia. Then we fwew home.

To the Bwonx. Wheuh we cweaned out owuh wockuhs.

Mistuh Steinbwennuh is vewy, vewy angwy that we wost.

I had a gweat yeauh! It was vewy, vewy vowuboo.

But in the Amewican Weague Division Sewies, I pwayed wike a dog.

Wike a Wabwadaw Wetwievuh.

But I still get paid my twenty-five MIWWION dowwuhs!

Heh heh heh heh heh heh!

I am Awex Wodwiguez.


I own a mansion and a yacht.

Enjoy the west of the pwayoffs!

7 comments to Gwatuitous Shots At A-Wad

  • Anonymous

    Doesn't he have a hewicopter, too?

  • Anonymous

    See what constant blogging does to you. Greg's brain is now mush. Don't let this happen to you. Please give to D.O.R.K. (Demented Online wRiters for Knowledge) now to keep this from happening to more promising shut-ins. We must raise money now to fight this insideous disease. We were forced to cancel our fundraising walk-a-thon when we found that most bloggers can't walk around the block without their inhalers…'tis sad.

  • Anonymous

    Heh heh heh heh heh heh.
    He's cwazy.
    It's Yankee season!
    It's post-season!
    It's Yankee season!
    It's post-season!
    It's Yankee season!
    It's post-season!
    OK, Doc. Whatever you say. It's Yankee season.
    That's better!
    Nyeah…guess it was Yankee season after all.

  • Anonymous

    Awex Wodwiguez can fwy without a pwopewwuh.

  • Anonymous

    It's not Yankee-season or post-season. It's wabbit season.r

  • Anonymous

    Man, in the ad when A-Rod and Vlad are hitting fungoes to see who gets the Pepsi? Vlad hits a ball that breaks the FRICKING MOON, and who runs back to take the Pepsi? A-Rod. All A-Rod did was hit a light fixture, and yet he winds up refreshed while poor Vladdy is rewarded with a slightly more-intense thirst. What a jerk.

  • Anonymous

    Moon shots? Neither one of them could lift a ball off the ground. I feel like we're harboring some long-lost National League East secret here.
    “I'm telling you. The guy is the greatest player in the world. He can do it all. I seen it with my own eyes from Montreal.
    “Montreal. You know, the Expos.
    “There were, too!”