The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Back From Hell

It's been a fun trip to Met Hell, especially because we can leave it anytime we want. But the Mets aren't about hell. They're about something higher.

Today is the second anniversary of a terrible loss and the beginning of a bad year for luminescent Met presences; two would wind up wind leaving us. I couldn't […]

The Final Circle of Met Hell

And here we are at last. The Ninth Circle of Met Hell.

In the Inferno, the Ninth Circle is a frozen lake, at whose center Dante and Virgil find Satan, trapped in the ice and chewing on Brutus, Cassius and the head of Judas Iscariot. The deepest part of Met Hell, however, does not look like […]


We may be more than halfway home, but down in Met Hell we’ve still got a little ways to go. And two more permanent residents to confront.

In the non-baseball Inferno, the Eighth Circle of Hell was Malebolge, a domain of ditches separated by great folds of earth. The inhabitants of those ditches included hypocrites, thieves, […]

Halfway Home, We'll Be There By April

The final out of the 2005 season was made at approximately 3:56 PM, October 2.

The first pitch of the 2006 season is scheduled to be thrown at 1:10 PM, April 3.

Thus, the baseball equinox occurred at 2:33 AM, January 2.

At that exact moment, we were equidistant from Jose Offerman’s last swing and Pedro Martinez’s (toe […]

380,887 Thank Yous

How do you measure…measure a year? Here's one way:

In 2005, Faith and Fear in Flushing received 380,887 page views. Or roughly 380,886 more than we envisioned last February 16, Day One of the great Met dialogue.

All I can say is…

1) Holy Cram!

2) Just as many thank yous as there were page views from Jason and […]

The 2005 Faith and Fear Yearbook

Welcome to the 2005 Faith and Fear Yearbook! Got some time? Get clicking!

Personal Piazza

Classic Stuff

Take That, Meat

Last Stand

Where It Began

Escalator Problems

Customer Disservice

On Our Backs

Opposing Viewpoints

Rude Guests

Angels Over Queens

A Kids' Game

Kosher Hot Dogs

What The Hall?

The Surreal Thing

Spoke Too Soon

Sit Down

Ground Rules

Summer (The First Time)


Superstition Is The Way

Their Channel

The Great Debate

Across The Universe


Ruffled Feathers

What Casey […]