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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Phils By a Nose

This had to be one of the more quietly infuriating losses in recent memory.

First off, early on Gavin Floyd was making Cory Lidle look like Cy Young. He had nothing, and I was actually worried we would run up a big lead in the first couple of innings, watch the Phillies step out after every pitch and generally behave like they were wearing cement shoes (and with Trachsel, aka the Human Continental Drift, on the mound) and the game would be called in a howling gale with us up 8-1 in the third.

And if a couple of things had broken a bit differently, that might have been exactly what happened.

Wright just missed a three-run homer. Aaron Rowand made one of the gutsier plays by a center fielder since Lenny Dykstra walked the earth, depriving Nady of a three-run double or triple. (The Phillies being the Phillies, Rowand will eventually realize he's one of the only players with a pulse and bemoan his exile to a colorless franchise run by bloodless marketers. Just ask Billy Wagner.) Trachsel's bid to make like Tom Glavine got snuffed in the hole. Each time their Floyd slipped the noose, he got a little more confident, until that decent fastball and that big curve were actually hitting their spots. And meanwhile Trachsel was being Trachsel: not bad enough to make you throw things at the set, but not good enough so you felt you could hit the bathroom if they had a runner on second.

When the monsoon came, seconds after Beltran struck out to make it an official game on a night when both teams were headed to the airport…well, you learn a couple of things in three decades of watching baseball. “Boy, did we just get fucked,” I announced to nobody in particular.

I suppose that's baseball. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, and sometimes it rains. And once in a while it rains, you get fucked, and you lose.

6 comments to Phils By a Nose

  • Anonymous

    Not too bothered by this loss, because I actually like the message we sent the Phillies tonight:
    “You wanna beat us, you're gonna have to break your nose to do it.”

  • Anonymous

    Hey man, just one game, another tomorrow, the beauty of baseball…
    You're not buyin' it either, are ya?

  • Anonymous

    I can't believe my attitude, but with this Mets team, I'm actually sitting back, sipping a Cherry Coke, and thinking “Only 2 runs? Half the game to go? We're gonna win this thing. No prob.” Amazin'. And with that in mind, I especially like the other message we sent the Phillies tonight:
    “You wanna beat us, you're gonna have to get Nature and God on your side.”

  • Anonymous

    I like that. You wanna beat us, bleed and then pray for rain.
    I'd have liked it better if we'd started playing again at 11 and beaten them. But I'm cheerful again….

  • Anonymous

    Entertaining line by Jay Greenberg in the Post today: “On cue, as soon as the game became official, it began to rain cats and Roger Cedenos.”

  • Anonymous

    It would not be the Mets night no matter what. Had Wright's ball been fair or Rowand doesn't hold onto the ball the Mets have a lead, the game is called in the bottom of the fifth inning, Met's don't lose the game but they don't get the victory, either.