The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Stroll down the block to a newsstand near you and things look pretty good today. Back page of Newsday says we're Best In The Show, judged No. 1 in all of MLB. The Daily News, which can't quite shake its pinstriped myopia, has figured out that At long last, Mets are KINGS OF N.Y. …and maybe all of baseball. The Post? Same idea: QUEENS IS KING.

Those aren't Photoshopped, joke shop novelty back pages either. They're life as we know it in Metsopotamia in the pregame hours of June 13, 2006. That's what it's like to be a Mets fan today. That's what you can read without even logging on to anything electronic.

It's a good day for us not to add anything else — sometimes there are no words — except to tell you there are others in our virtual neighborhood, somewhere between us and the tabloids, worth checking out.

We're way behind in updating our links section (our method remains inscrutable — one of us holds the URLs, the other turns the computer), but some new voices have come online since the last time we got up to speed. A sample…

Brooklyn Met Fan: This colorful site speaks boroughs, not to mention volumes.

Blooming Ideas: Let's just say Steve Bloom is high on the Mets' chances.

American Legends: The guy's last name is English and he has a lot of stuff up about the World Cup, but when not distracted, Mark follows the Mets. And what could be more American than that?

Them Mets: As in How About…? Dude has us building a dynasty. I'm sold!

Milledge Facts: A one-joke blog, albeit a joke in more than 300 parts, most of which are downright hilarious and some of which are eerily accurate.

We'll get these and other gems posted on our soon-to-be all-new blogroll before you know it. Keep one eye to the left and you'll eventually be surprised.

As for the old breed among the New Breed, three of our comrades have moved in with a new host, so if you're looking for…

Lone Star Mets,

Getting Paid To Watch, or the dean of the medium,

Eddie Kranepool Society, you've found them again. Bookmark and keep up with all Dan, Bob and Steve have to say.

Sadly, one of our breed is leaving us for a little while, at least. Tip of the blog cap to one of the stalwarts, Metsville. Enjoy the sabbatical, Vinny. You earned it.

Meanwhile, another of the gang is one year old. Happy first anniversary once more to Mets Walkoffs, the only blog that can tell you how many Mets triples have completed Mets victories (admit it, now you need to know).

And happy honeymoons, either in progress or upcoming, to two who keep us up to date day after day, Matt from Metsblog and Ryan from Always Amazin' at We're sure you made wonderful choices in brides, though I can't help but question your respective decisions to get married in the middle of baseball season, particularly this baseball season; maybe they weren't your wholly your decisions.

Filling in for Ryan at the Star-Ledger's Mets outpost, it gives us great pleasure to note, is our own constant commenter, Jessica1986. Nice way to celebrate turning 20. Happy blogday to you!

At the other end of the age/experience spectrum, there is veteran Mets fan Ray, whose Metphistopheles is one of my favorites. Marooned in Buffalo (belated condolences on the Sabres), Ray keeps digging deep into his bag of Met tricks and comes up with some great stuff, particularly the peek last week at his report card from the 1969-70 academic year. Read what Miss Boehler put on his Permanent Record while the Mets were winning their first World Series. You'll earn a demerit for laughing out loud in class, but it'll be worth it.

Two other non-blog stops to get you to 7:05 tonight:

Dave Murray, the Mets Guy in Michigan, is subject to a grilling the likes of which would make Jeff Torborg squirm, Dallas Green cry and Art Howe nap. It's the Crane Pool Forum blogger interview conducted by yours truly. I'm tough but fair.

I'm also helping to sell soap these days. Well, not exactly, but the good folks at Manor Hall Soap Company decided I wasn't likely to repel people from their product and asked me to elaborate on some aspect of being a Mets fan, which I do in the current issue of the Manor Hall Scrawl (I even made the cover!). For those of you who remember Gary Carter pitching Ivory, you'll have to agree that the soap has gotten a lot classier since the Mets were last widely considered Best In The Show…even if the Mets-related soap “celebrities” have gotten pretty damn obscure.

6 comments to It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

  • Anonymous

    Hey, thanks for the mention!
    And although my name is English, I'm actually Irish…but the Mets certainly bring out my Americaness.

  • Anonymous

    So, what, did Metstradamus kick your cat or something?

  • Anonymous

    Dang, not another half-dozen blogs to try to keep up with!
    No, really, I just wanted to say thanks – it's an honor to be mentioned here.
    Keep up the great blogging! :-)

  • Anonymous

    No news hook where Metstradamus was concerned…unless you count being consistently awesome as news.
    Nothing wrong with that either.

  • Anonymous

    Thanks for the kind words. If poor Miss Boehler is still with us (she was youngish, as the teachers went, so she might be Julio Franco's age or something by now), her Google ranking just shot up several million points on account of that mention:-)

  • Anonymous

    Metstradamus is consistently great and my second favorite Mets blog. I found out about him from you guys and I'm grateful for that.
    I think Metstradamus should be plugged when at all possible.
    God damn that guy's funny.
    MC Hammer in the standings (ever further back, btw) still makes me chuckle every time I see it.