The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Ready for 2021

The Mercury Mets were ahead of their time on July 27, 1999. They were behind the Pirates, but ahead of their time. The last remaining Mercury Mets cap in the known world was presented by Faith and Fear’s Jason to Faith and Fear’s Greg outside Gate E of Shea Stadium on June 19, 2006.

New Day Rising

Some baseball games are made for converting newcomers to the sport, for infecting them with the fever, for teaching them about double plays and the hit-and-run and bunts and the infield fly and then blowing them away with the sheer joy of a come-from-behind win.

Tonight's game? It wasn't one of those.

Yes, Bronson Arroyo turned […]

Stronger Than Dirt

Fourteen things to shovel on the last-place Atlanta Braves:

1. Fourteen spadefuls of dirt for each game that separates the last-place Atlanta Braves in last place from us in first place.

2. Four spadefuls of dirt for each position in the standings that separates the last-place Atlanta Braves in fifth place from us in first place.

3. One […]

Don't Get Shirty With Us…

…or we'll undress you on the scoreboard.

They say on any day or night you might see something in baseball you've never seen before, but a ball skipping up an outfielder's sleeve and rolling around inside his uniform as runners circle the bases? Never seen that before, can't imagine I ever will again. (Though, as Gary […]

Bus Lag Kicks In

Crappy losses to dismal opponents generate little cause for concern as regards our unassailable Mets, but they're still crappy. I didn't like 'em in '86 and I don't like 'em now. But they happen, sometimes in twos.

The second day of the rest of our lives went suspiciously like the first: flat and flat again. Maybe […]

The Nerve of Them

Well, the first game of the rest of our lives has come and gone and absolutely nothing has changed. The Mets lost; no biggie there. We didn't lose any ground. I'd argue there's no ground to lose. What hasn't changed is the Met fan reaction to anything less than eternal perfection.

I went to the game […]

Don't Get Me Wrong

Welcome to Flashback Friday, a weekly feature devoted to the 20th anniversary of the 1986 World Champion New York Mets.

Twenty years, 43 Fridays. This is one of them.

As the institutional kvelling over the 2006 Mets shifts into high gear, I listened to Tim Kurkjian on Baseball Tonight quote an unnamed National League manager […]

Just Like Wally Said

Well, hell. You beat me to it. But since we're in agreement, let's walk down memory lane for a moment.

This is from Keith Hernandez's excellent If at First…, one of the better year-in-the-life books written by a pro athlete. It's from the 1986 chapter, found in the paperback edition. I've been thinking about it for […]

Why They're Not Gonna Get Us

I’m going to Friday night’s game against the Orioles. I have three standing ovations planned.

One will be for the home team, returning to its headquarters office after the road trip from heaven.

One will be for Melvin Mora. It will be his first appearance at Shea since he was traded away in 2000. He was one […]

Shout This Out Loud

For the first time in public, I will now reveal my theme song for the 2006 Mets. I’ve been using it in my head since Saturday but have hesitated to mention it here because of loads of bad precedent where me and adopted Mets theme songs are concerned.

But bad precedent has left the building. Just […]