The blog for Mets fans
who like to read
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.
Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.
Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.
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by Jason Fry on 29 September 2006 4:01 am
Well, at least now we know.
John Maine, your time is now. You're only stepping in for one of the most-dominant pitchers of his era, the man whose arrival was a Piazzaesque sign that the Mets mattered again, one of the figures so vital to his sport that you say his first name and everybody knows […]
by Jason Fry on 29 September 2006 4:01 am
Well, at least now we know.
John Maine, your time is now. You're only stepping in for one of the most-dominant pitchers of his era, the man whose arrival was a Piazzaesque sign that the Mets mattered again, one of the figures so vital to his sport that you say his first name and everybody knows […]
by Greg Prince on 28 September 2006 7:32 pm
This just in: Gary Cohen's coming back to radio.
Not forever, just for the postseason, not for entire games, just for a couple of innings. He'll work with Howie in the fifth and the other guy in the sixth.
Gary Cohen and Howie Rose back together doing New York Mets baseball for an inning a game. That […]
by Greg Prince on 28 September 2006 7:32 pm
This just in: Gary Cohen's coming back to radio.
Not forever, just for the postseason, not for entire games, just for a couple of innings. He'll work with Howie in the fifth and the other guy in the sixth.
Gary Cohen and Howie Rose back together doing New York Mets baseball for an inning a game. That […]
by Jason Fry on 28 September 2006 6:35 am
Here it is, our first-ever Faith and Fear in Flushing t-shirt. Be the envy of your block — or think of something to say when somebody asks you what that weird URL on your back is.
Want one? Here’s how to get one. And bless you.
by Jason Fry on 28 September 2006 6:10 am
After 18+ months of this blog thing, we've finally decided to do it: We're offering Faith and Fear in Flushing t-shirts.
See a photo here. This is just a rendering, but I used this particular t-shirt company (CustomInk) for some Mookie Wilson t-shirts I made a couple of years back, and the finished product was slick.
Here's […]
by Jason Fry on 28 September 2006 6:10 am
After 18+ months of this blog thing, we've finally decided to do it: We're offering Faith and Fear in Flushing t-shirts.
See a photo here. This is just a rendering, but I used this particular t-shirt company (CustomInk) for some Mookie Wilson t-shirts I made a couple of years back, and the finished product was […]
by Jason Fry on 28 September 2006 12:32 am
I live about a quarter of a mile from the Brooklyn Bridge. Which is handy, because I'm heading out to jump off of it.
I mean…crap. Are we sure the Phillies can't catch us?
Oh yeah: Greg, you can have my stuff.
by Jason Fry on 28 September 2006 12:32 am
I live about a quarter of a mile from the Brooklyn Bridge. Which is handy, because I'm heading out to jump off of it.
I mean…crap. Are we sure the Phillies can't catch us?
Oh yeah: Greg, you can have my stuff.
by Greg Prince on 27 September 2006 8:43 am
Like the Mets, I napped through a good portion of Tuesday night's game with the Braves. Most of the baseball I saw came later in the evening after I (unlike the Mets) shook off my slumber. On a night when a division was clinched, a collapse continued and a couple of resurrections ensued, you know […]