The blog for Mets fans
who like to read
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.
Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.
Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.
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by Greg Prince on 23 September 2006 11:23 pm
The Mets finally hit a lot while they pitched enough. That part Saturday was swell; the end of the world — nigh after a three-game losing streak by our division champs — has once again been postponed.
Mostly, I hope Nick Johnson of the Nationals is up on his feet soon and attempting to torment 14 […]
by Greg Prince on 23 September 2006 5:33 am
Sure was nice of us to not clinch in front of Pedro Astacio.
Oh wait, we already clinched. We've clinched all there is to clinch. There is no pressing reason to win baseball games so, apparently, we have chosen not to.
Uh, not to be ungrateful in this new and exciting era of having that little “x” […]
by Greg Prince on 23 September 2006 5:33 am
Sure was nice of us to not clinch in front of Pedro Astacio.
Oh wait, we already clinched. We've clinched all there is to clinch. There is no pressing reason to win baseball games so, apparently, we have chosen not to.
Uh, not to be ungrateful in this new and exciting era of having that little “x” […]
by Greg Prince on 22 September 2006 7:41 pm
Welcome to Flashback Friday, a weekly feature devoted to the 20th anniversary of the 1986 World Champion New York Mets.
Twenty years. Forty-three Fridays. This is one of them.
In the days following the Mets' clinching of the 1986 National League East, much was made of the horrible shape the field was in and the horrible shape […]
by Greg Prince on 22 September 2006 7:41 pm
Welcome to Flashback Friday, a weekly feature devoted to the 20th anniversary of the 1986 World Champion New York Mets.
Twenty years. Forty-three Fridays. This is one of them.
In the days following the Mets’ clinching of the 1986 National League East, much was made of the horrible shape the field was in and the horrible shape […]
by Jason Fry on 22 September 2006 3:15 am
Emily and I go out every Saturday night. Every so often, there's a Saturday night game. Every so often, we decide one of these Saturday night games is a must-see: It's Mets-Yankees, or it's a big game against the Braves, or it's an attempt at clinching. So we wind up in a bar or a […]
by Jason Fry on 22 September 2006 3:15 am
Emily and I go out every Saturday night. Every so often, there's a Saturday night game. Every so often, we decide one of these Saturday night games is a must-see: It's Mets-Yankees, or it's a big game against the Braves, or it's an attempt at clinching. So we wind up in a bar or a […]
by Greg Prince on 21 September 2006 5:27 am
I now understand there are two kinds of nights at Shea Stadium. There are nights when the Mets clinch their first National League Eastern Division championship in 18 years and there are all other nights.
Surprisingly, Wednesday was the latter. I was surprised because since shortly after 9:30 Monday night I've been riding and writing on […]
by Greg Prince on 21 September 2006 5:27 am
I now understand there are two kinds of nights at Shea Stadium. There are nights when the Mets clinch their first National League Eastern Division championship in 18 years and there are all other nights.
Surprisingly, Wednesday was the latter. I was surprised because since shortly after 9:30 Monday night I’ve been riding and writing on […]
by Greg Prince on 20 September 2006 9:01 am
We could all use our own Ricky Ledee. We could all use a caddy to go in and play for us the day after we've had a big time the night before. We could all use a guy who might go 0-for-4 in our stead but nobody would notice and few would complain.
I wasn't technically […]