The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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The Unbeatable Lightness of Nothing

Nothing whatsoever of note happened in Port St. Lucie this afternoon. And it was the best kind of nothing there can be.
Pitchers pitched. Hitters hit. Or didn't. There was running. Lots of running. Tons of running. Get your running in.
Buncha guys got dressed up in their Wednesday afternoon finery, every gosh darn one of them. […]

The Unwanted Legend of Game Seven

Oliver Perez is taking the ball against Detroit Wednesday, starting in consecutive games or going on 132 days’ rest, depending on how you choose to view this terribly overdue Mets-Tigers matchup. Either way, our boys will be lacing up spikes that are not — no matter how much elbow grease the clubhouse staff has put […]

The Limits of Prophecy


JASON, an extraordinarily tired-looking man in his late 30s, enters stage left. He is dressed entirely in Met gear. He plops down on a worn couch in front of a coffee table, then quickly gets back up again.
(muttering and pacing)
Ohmygod, it all […]

Central Islip Too Far From New York City Blues

Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.

MapQuest pegs the distance from 3 Court House Drive in Central Islip to 123-01 Roosevelt Avenue in Flushing at approximately 40 miles, depending on your route of preference.

Too close for my tastes. And way too far.

If one of your all-time favorite baseball players flashes […]

The Departed

The Academy would like to take a moment to remember those Mets who have left us in the past year…

Jeremi Gonzalez, 2006
I won’t say “and that was that,” because didn’t Jeremi Gonzalez settle down in the second on Friday only to implode in the third?
—May 25, 2006

Bartolome Fortunato, 2004; 2006
Do you have a category for […]

A Happy Thought

This is the last weekend without a Mets game for a long, long time.
Ahh. It's February with a big winter storm on the way, but somehow it just got a lot warmer.

I'm Taken With The Notion

If it’s the final Friday of the month, then it’s the second installment of the special Top 10 Songs of All-Time edition of Flashback Friday at Faith and Fear in Flushing.

The Mets of Rick Cerone and Wally Whitehurst and Mark Carreon and the second coming of Hubie Brooks and the arrival of wildly miscast Vince […]

Jimmys Say The Darndest Things

So Jimmy Rollins says the Phillies are the team to beat in the National League East. As he should. He’s on the Phillies. He should exude confidence in February. If Fred Wilpon took grief three years ago for setting “meaningful games in September” as a goal (a reasonable one, I thought, coming off a most […]

Faulty Measuring Stick

There are two topics with which I try not to overly concern myself in the course of a baseball season: many damn things written about the Mets by what we’ll call the non-fan media and every damn thing I hear about the Yankees whether I want to or not.

But it is Spring Training, the time […]

Greetings From 88th Street-Boyd Avenue! Wish I Weren't Here!

Good story in the Daily News today about David Wright and HoJo, but what struck me wasn't the friendship between the two, though that was nice to hear about. It was the weave of Mets history: “HoJo took an instant liking to the 19-year-old Wright, even before Wright's agent and ex-Met Keith Miller — also […]