I love Duaner Sanchez. I'll vote for Pedro anytime he wants to run for anything. And this article [1] by Ben Shpigel is enormously hopeful, though “enormously hopeful” is the norm for February stories about injured pitchers.
(Seriously. When's the last time you read a spring-training story in which the pitcher said, “I'm way behind schedule, instead of rehabbing my arm after surgery I ate everything in sight, and I'm pretty sure when I return I'll suck”?)
Anyway, it's hopeful. But I couldn't help thinking that it must be interesting inside Duaner Sanchez's head after reading what he learned from having another driver cross three lanes and hit his taxi on I-95: “[H]e now avoids taxis. He hires town cars, or rents a car and drives it himself.”
OK, never mind that. Just wait till you read whom Pedro was fishing with.