The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Central Casting: Year Three

It seems amazing that our little blog can already have traditions, but here we are at the third annual edition of Spring Training Central Casting, in which players from the 2007 edition of Port St. Lucie are assigned to the unchaning roles that await players in every camp every year. (If you're feeling historically minded, […]

Mets at Lakeland, Jeromy at Liberty, Snigh at One

Listened to a bit of the Mets and Detroit via the Tiger radio network on XM (why doesn’t SNY do road games in spring — don’t they have a long enough cord?). It’s always a touch jarring to hear others talk about you, even talk about themselves when they’re talking about those who used to […]

March Metness: The Field of 64

Thanks to Ray of Metphistopheles, we have an actual bracket-by-bracket rundown of the field of 64 for this year’s March Metness tournament for your printing and prognosticating pleasure. He even went to the trouble of including the dreaded play-in game in Dayton, for which Michael Sergio has already built an insurmountable lead on Harry M. Stevens.

Be sure […]

March Metness: Selection Sunday

It’s always a controversial process and there’s always going to be somebody who’s dissatisfied, but the March Metness selection committee has made its picks and seeded the entries. Now it’s time to unveil the brackets that will play out over these next three weekends until we have a champion.

The goal, as always, is to see […]

Duaner Savings Time

It’s spring ahead, fall back tonight at 2 AM, so in honor of the clocks jerking forward three weeks earlier than necessary, I suppose it’s time to take Spring Training a little more seriously.

The Mets have just allowed their pretend record to dip to 3-8 with an irritating-sounding loss to the Nationals. It may have […]

The Induction Speech We Ought to Hear

If Joan Hodges is stepping to the podium in Cooperstown this summer, it would be justice. At the very least, it’s Flashback Friday at Faith and Fear in Flushing.

Thank you Commissioner Selig, members of the board of the Hall of Fame, all of the Hall of Famers here today and all of you who made […]

What's in a Name?

Last night, after Varsity Letters, a few of us blogger types were sitting around drinking beer and talking baseball, and the conversation came around to baseball names. And the one that I found myself groping for was Stubby Clapp — not for anything fabulous he did (5 for 25 as a 2001 St. Louis Cardinal), […]

Hey Nineteen, That's Jerry Koosman

The year was 2007. I was old.

I didn’t think I required confirmation of that biological fact, 44 residing securely as it does in what is commonly described as middle age, but I seemed to have received a reminder last night. Nothing creaked, at least not more than usual. And nobody said anything, but as sure […]

As in Tampa, it's Spring in St. Lucie

Spring Training proceeds. I’m sure fine things are taking place on the field, right alongside not so fine things. That’s baseball last I checked. But it’s still a week in. Until some strangers in Mets uniforms are told to shed them and hit the minor league complex or the road, I still can’t get excited […]

That's About The Size Of It

Come May when we’re being told that the Subway Series has run its course, I will point to this as Exhibit S for the defense: The cover of the only locally available 2007 Street & Smith’s Baseball Yearbook. Came upon it in Pathmark last night and nearly spiked the entire detergent section, touchdown-like, out of exhiliration.

Unlike […]