- Faith and Fear in Flushing - https://www.faithandfearinflushing.com -

Avoid Michigan in Years Ending in '7'

10-3 after five.

Glavine taking a shot at 300 losses.

Runners on third don't go home nearly enough.

I have a headache.

Edited to add:

15-7 after nine.

Smith is out of pixie dust.

Six runners in position to score in fact did not.

My headache was about gone before I began to think about this game [1] again.

So I shall stop doing that.

But at least the Phillies were pounded worse [2].

And the Mets get to leave Detroit.

I hope Willie makes them run to Los Angeles.

BEST THING TO COME OUT OF THIS TRIP: Due respect to Sosa's eight innings and Gomez's first home run, I'm mostly thrilled that our friend the Mets Guy in Michigan got to spend a few hours with the Mets guys in Michigan. Read Dave Murray's account [3] of his trip across the state with his daughter to meet the Mets for the first time in a long time.