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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Well, the 'Jose' Chant Just Got Simpler

A plea for Jose Valentin, AKA “Other Jose” when Reyes's cheer was adapted for his good deeds: In six to eight weeks please be careful crossing streets and going down stairs. Because it ain't your year.

Valentin's run of miserable luck (knee, wall-punching hand, etc.) has now culminated with a broken tibia, one I imagine will end his season and his Mets career. So now what? Hmm. Well, the signing of Marlon Anderson now looks even smarter, doesn't it? Ruben Gotay, recently entering his period as Promising Young Player Being Hazed by Willie Randolph, has a crack at finishing stealing the second-base job away for his very own. (Provided he hits against lefties.) Does David Newhan get back on the Crescent City shuttle? Hey, forgotten man Anderson Hernandez's hitting .259 against lefties down in New Orleans, which for Anderson Hernandez is a lot of hitting.

On the other hand, it sure looks like it's Oliver Perez's year. Never has an ill-advised taxi ride proved such a blessing in disguise: It gave us Oliver, a once-and-potentially-future ace, and Roberto Hernandez, whose poor outing in enemy colors let us finally break through. (Who knows, maybe Xavier Nady was out letting the air out of various Dodgers' tires.) I've written it before, but it bears writing again and again: Every time I doubt Omar, I try to remember that forced into a desperate midnight trade (and don't let hindsight and fungible memory convince you we weren't desperate), he turned a serviceable but unexceptional outfielder into an OK reliever and a guy whom I firmly believe could shutter the Clubhouse of Curses and lead us to a title.

On the other hand, I was aghst during Omar's in-booth chat about Pedro (Martinez, not to be confused with Feliciano, who did a marvelous job keeping the Dodgers at bay). The conspiracy theories will bloom, but I don't think Omar was playing possum by ratcheting down expectations with his talk that anything we get from Pedro this year is a bonus. That sounds to me like Dr. Altchek has recommended more than a mental rest. It sounds to me like something is wrong or Pedro's coming along a lot more slowly than we believed a couple of weeks ago.

Bad news. But, well, let's take 'em one game at a time, and the good Lord willing, things'll work out. Like they did tonight: Oliver was masterful, both Carloses seem to be reviving, and we got to display a second raised middle finger to the schedule-makers.

And now I'm off with the kid to the piney woods of Maine. Back in '05, my trip didn't go so well: It was Humberto Cota and Braden Looper and Greg ordering me back home. Last year there was a bit of Lima (any bit of Lima is too much Lima), a lot of runs for newborn met Mike Pelfrey, and then the All-Star break.

This year? Who knows. Though with Brad Penny taking the mound later today, I've got a hankering for revenge. The Spanish have their own expression about revenge, but I've always heard it's a dish best served by breaking it over Brad Penny's fucking head.

5 comments to Well, the 'Jose' Chant Just Got Simpler

  • Anonymous

    I'm surprised at how much I truly like Jose Valentin. He's such a pro, such a veteran, such a mensch. I love that he called out Julio Franco's overrated legacy. I feel very badly for him and his fibia.
    But the door just opened a little further for Brandon Emil Phillips, who, it was pointed out by a sharp commenter, already owns one of the most distinctive middle names in Mets history. C'mon Omar…you know what to do.
    And if that plan isn't executed, yeah, Gotay plus Easley (remember him?) plus Anderson (last-name Anderson) can probably hold the fort. But since when does Omar aim low? He can probably get Arroyo at the same time.
    I hope AlbertsonMets has noticed that for the first time in more than four years I've found a new second baseman on whom to obsess.
    Have a safe trip. Don't cause any Looper vibes on your way out.

  • Anonymous

    On most people, the thing Jose Valentin injured is apparently known as a tibia, not a fibia.

  • Anonymous

    It doesn't go unnoticed, Greg.
    If you get through August 31 without mentioning the relative proximity of Central Islip to Flushing, well, I'll believe you've turned the page.

  • Anonymous

    I love this blog so much. Sensible, articulate, appropriately emotional, prolific, unique, and everything else. I don't usually comment so I wanted to mention that I am a big fan.
    Also, Greg, your Commandments prohibit rooting for the injury of an opposing player. What about a Met?

  • Anonymous

    Appreciate it, BT.
    We never root for injuries, period. We just root for better decisions to be made.