The blog for Mets fans
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Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.
Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.
Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.
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It's Never Too Soon to Start Counting
by Greg Prince on 9 October 2007 9:20 pm

Maybe it’s the joy of Elimination Day, but after a week-plus of dreariness, I am once again looking forward to counting down the 37 + 14 + 41 + 42 days (more or less) until the 2008 Mets are on a field somewhere stretching and swinging and preparing to play an entire 162-game season.
Also showing not a little joy are our friends and blolleagues Taryn “Coop” Cooper (nice shirt!…though her Seaver is hidden) and Zoe Rice (also a nice shirt). This pic was snapped at Shea in September. To look at it, you’d almost think Mets fans had fun in 2007.
Speaking of which, as I PMed you recently, that shirt would look mighty nice relaxing on some Caribbean beach come the second weekend of January. Are these shirts going to be available this fall/winter?
That should be 3rd weekend… I really need to proof read before I post!
We're trying. We need to get out of the order-fulfillment business, which means reverse-engineering the design with another t-shirt vendor. Sorry it's taking so long….
Well, if my mug is gonna get bumped from the main page, at least it was replaced by a beauty shot of 2 absolute stunners…
Thanks for the kind words CharlieH!!! (from the one in the FAFIF shirt LOL)
It was truly funny – Greg and I ran into each other at nearly every single game down the stretch – having never met one another before. Total coincidence each time. LOL
How did you get a hold of this one G? Did Zoe send it to you?
Saw it on her site while we were doing the Magic Number Countdown and asked if we could run it “after we clinch”. But I didn't want to wait too many more years, so I went ahead and used it now.
“This pic was snapped at Shea in September. To look at it, you'd almost think Mets fans had fun in 2007. ”
Notice the expressions on the two in the background?
Good catch. That was in the Salute To Your Golden Future Pavilion, so I'm assuming those thrilled faces behind our friends are paying rapt attention to how unpadded their seats may or may not be starting in 2009.
…. maybe they also saw what the ticket prices will be.
This was snapped the day of the third game of the Phillies “sweep” back in September. The reason those people were not grinning in the back of us was b/c we were waiting in line to see the CitiField preview. It was a loooooong line.