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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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How Shea Kept Busy in the Offseason

I watched the games on TV, but I never could quite put Shea and football together. Even with photographic evidence, I can’t picture the Jets in Flushing, even if they don’t belong in Jersey.

Our autumn expatriates ought to come back next November for a scrimmage or something, get some intended use out of the old Jets locker room. I think I’ve heard more references to “the old Jets locker room” (for overflow press conferences and such) with the Jets in absentia than I did when it was just “the Jets locker room”.

7 comments to How Shea Kept Busy in the Offseason

  • Anonymous

    I wonder how many people that go to Met games now even know that those field level boxes actually moved to accomodate football. And that they could still move today if they really, really needed to.

  • Anonymous

    And not only did I go to three Jets games at Shea, but when we were touring Shea to see where our seats were going to be for the upcoming Mets season as brand new partial season ticket holders for 1987, they took us to…you guessed it…the old Jets lockerroom. I wonder if they'll auction off those lockers after Shea comes down?
    Oh, who am I kidding…they'll auction off everything that isn't nailed down, including the nails. And use the money to sign John Thomson. D'oh!

  • Anonymous

    I remember attending Jets games at Shea as a kid. All I remember clearly is the horrible cold wind, and Namath on the sidelines in his white fur coat.
    Not great memories, but I was there for them.

  • Anonymous

    The first Jet game at Shea was on an October evening in 1964 and drew over 46,000 fans, which at the time, was a new AFL record.
    It was great seeing how Shea looked for football from an arial view.

  • Anonymous

    Not me. It's obvious in the picture they're moved, it's the first thing I noticed, I just can't figure out how exactly that works..

  • Anonymous

    The inner field boxes moved on tracks tucked under the loge.

  • Anonymous

    I also went to a few Jets games at Shea. Yet another of my unfortunate longtime afflictions.
    The Jets are just the Mets in shoulder pads. They too exist to make me miserable.