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Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.
Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.
Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.
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Something's Definitely Missing
by Greg Prince on 10 December 2007 8:02 pm

With apologies to Gertrude Stein and Oakland, there is no there there any longer by what we have known for years as the 7 extension just beyond Gate E. The extension has been disconnected, torn down, the first of many structures on the premises slated to turn to dust and/or parking by April 2009.
As I imagine we’ll be saying plenty between now and then, I can’t believe it’s not there anymore.
This picture is courtesy of photographer Dan M., who elaborates on Mets Refugees. Dan has been posting great albums of the progress of Citi Field and the destruction of anything that gets in its way for months. (Link to photos courtesy of the hardest working blog in baseball, Metsblog.)
Kill me now.
!!! I feel like I just got punched in the stomach.
One of the few comforts I had for Citifield was the belief that the 7 extension would still be used. As a matter of fact, I always perceived it to be bad luck to NOT use the extension after getting off the 7.
Ugh. 2008 looks worse and worse.
Sorry to double-post but this is still bothering me.
They better have some kind of replacement up by Opening Day. They CANNOT have all the traffic leave through the Roosevelt Avenue exits, that'd be a disaster. Hopefully someone is listening… oh shit I forgot, I'm talking about the MTA. Oh well.
I've also often wondered when the “Willets Point-Shea Stadium” / “Willets Point-CitiField” changeover on the 7 will happen. October 2008? April 2009? Some random weekend in the winter to catch us off-guard? Whenever it will be, I will sadly be one of the first to see it… every single day on my way to work. It's gonna kill me.
We'll need a replacement by Opening Day if just to have the evergreen shot of late-arriving fans hustling down the steps. As Loge 13 notes, the free glimpse from the top of the stairs is a thing of the past now.
Well pardner, I guess we waited too long on that Christmas card idea. :-)
Oh, and that looks fucking weird.
I would have hated to have gotten caught in the middle of this. Seems the token/Metrocard booth is inaccessible as well.
Of course they'll need a replacement by opening day. The lack of one would make the Shea experience less accessible, more inconvenient and not at all fan-friendly.
These are unfathomable possibilities as far as Mets management is concerned
Well, I hope you're happy now, Jason. >:-(
No turning back now kids…
Because I hated the subway platform?
Shea's still there.
I have to blame someone for this entire travesty. So I'll just lay it at the feet of the most virulent Shea-hater I know. It's just easier. You understand.
You know what else is missing from this photo? Horse crap. That road there is always paved with horse crap.
I'm not good with change. Not baseball change, anyway. This is horrible. There's a certain comfort in knowing every inch of a place, blindfolded. I'm going to be
utterlyeven more psychotic by September.And they'll be swimming in my hard-earned cash, as I scramble to purchase more Shea-related (not Mets-related) thingies to add to my collection of “items pertaining to the stadium I love and will always love.” As Greg pointed out to me recently, they'll be making extra money off breaking my heart by sticking 64/08 on everything and making me buy it again. BASTAGES!
I will miss it for the rest of my life I suppose..But if we win- the medicine will go down a little smoother..
They shut down the Polo Grounds honey. This town can survive anything!
I suggest we all get together for drinks and get hammered over it…
Or lay down on the pitcher's mound and refuse to allow it to happen. I'm a radical liberal protest-in-the-streets hippie… I'm game.
I predict the signs will still say “Willets Point – Shea Stadium” for a long time after Shea itself is a memory. Remember, there are stops on the 7 line named for streets that haven't been called Rawson, Lowery, Bliss, Lincoln or Fisk since Woodrow Wilson was president. (Plenty of other examples too.)