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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Hold Your Breath

The Mets and Twins have agreed on a trade for Johan Santana. This is not a drill. The Mets and Twins have agreed on a trade for Johan Santana. Repeat, this is not a drill.

According to USA Today (link provided immediately by brkpsu), the deal is three promising pitching prospects — Kevin Mulvey, Phil Humber, Deolis Guerra — and one talented outfielder, Carlos Gomez, for the two-time Cy Young winner, the dominant lefty in the American League, the ace in his prime the Mets haven't had since the world and Doc Gooden were young.

The trade's been agreed to, but it's not final. The Mets have to negotiate a deal with Santana, which will encompass loads of money and a ton of years and there has to be one of those pesky physicals. We'll probably know by the end of the week whether this is a cruel Never Met hoax (bar the windows and lock the medicine cabinets if so) or St. Lucie just became a much sunnier springtime destination. Until then, we'll hold the euphoria, the inevitable Frank Viola comparisons and our breath.

This is not a drill.

21 comments to Hold Your Breath

  • Anonymous

    I refuse to let myself flip out over this just yet.

  • Anonymous

    In the middle of Super Bowl week? Omar is as bad as Boras. He owes the NFL and its fans a heartfelt apology.
    Oh, and until that blessed left arm puts pen on paper, I'm holding back unrestrained jubilation. It's not easy.

  • Anonymous

    It's the Twins and Santana that decided the time frame, not Omar. There is a chance the deal won't be announced until Monday or tuesday.
    Still, it's a good day to be a bartender in Philadelphia.

  • Anonymous

    Hey, it's Election Day down here in Florida. Don't they know I have more pressing things on my mind?
    Oh, yeah. I voted early already.
    And my guy dropped out of the race ten days ago.
    All-righty then.
    Lets go Mets!

  • Anonymous

    We now no longer lead the league in Carloses… the least Omar could have done was signed Carlos Silva to make up the shortfall. (I can dream.)
    But as my friend Bobbi in Minnesota pointed out, at least now the Twins are no longer Carlos-less after the loss of Silva.

  • Anonymous

    Booked a flight to FL and bought tickets to my first-ever spring training games this very morning. And now this! Yay!

  • Anonymous

    This could be a significant day in the history of Metsopotamia.

  • Anonymous

    The road to redemption has begun. Or we are about to suffer the cruelest disappointment since…well, you know.
    Incidentally, many many thanks to Greg and company for keeping us warm during what had been a bitterly cold offseason.

  • Anonymous

    Not remotely as bad as Boras. First of all, that crap went down during a game, like in the 6th inning or something. This announcement interrupts, what? Day 10 of the 24-hour 2-week-long SB hype machine? They're writing stories about Zak DeOssie, for Petey's sake. I think most sports fans are probably glad for something else to talk about for an hour or two. Secondly, unlike the Boras debacle, this is not upstaging your own sport. I don't see why any MLB organization should care about the NFL's feelings.

  • Anonymous

    or at least here in the city of Johanisberg.

  • Anonymous

    Newly declared capital of Metsopotamia.

  • Anonymous

    My Boras comment was made tongue firmly planted in cheek.
    I should stop by here more in the offseason; maybe people would be familiar with my style.

  • Anonymous

    I'd settle for being intensely familiar with Johan Santana's style.

  • Anonymous

    I am! I've witnessed 7 glorious seasons of regular Johan-ness… what would you like to know? ;-)
    (Giddiness clearly setting in… Please let him not be a NeverMet… please let him not be a NeverMet…)

  • Anonymous

    Ok, I'll restrain myself, but I just want to say:
    1. Omar is the greatest GM ever in the history of sport
    2. JOHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    don't you just wanna go and play some baseball? let's go play some stickball on the street. Right now. I'll be JOHAN!!! You guys be whomever. Preferably a lefty.
    3. JOHAN!!!!!!!
    also with this move all Mets blogs will have to officially use spanish as their primary language.
    HOLA, JOHAN!!!!!
    I'll be really excited when this deal is done. 'til then, it's close to the vest.

  • Anonymous

    Am sure the Mets must have had some discussions with Santana's agent prior to making the deal. Can't see money becoming the stumbling block on this one.

  • Anonymous

    I wish I had something meaningful to add, but frankly I remain speechless. Joyously speechless.

  • Anonymous

    My husband has informed me that we need to treat this matter the way we would treat a no hitter in progress.

  • Anonymous

    Like everyone, I refuse to dance on the ceiling just yet. But…. HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!! I'm trying not to think of the A-Rod-to-the-Red Sox trade (which was rejected primarily because he would make less money, not gobs more). I'm trying not to think of the possible Saturday headline of “Santana passes physical — Selig vetoes trade because the Twins would be getting royally hosed” (but come on now… Selig doing a favor for Minnesota? Unlikely). I'm trying not to think of Johan Santana on the never-Met list (and hoping that Livan Hernandez can usurp him of his place. He would certainly belong there).
    I'm sitting in my apartment a mile away from Shea and I'm scared shitless. SHITLESS I TELLS YA!
    Jumping Jesus Christ on a Fucking Cross, PLEASE let this happen!!!

  • Anonymous

    But you already said the n/h word(s)! SHHHHHHHHH…

  • Anonymous

    Yabut, that's not what's in progress….