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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Like Mick Said

What we wanted was Met domination — Pelfrey to somehow rise from the prospect-turned-suspect dead and show no rust after being a spectator for an entire road trip, Delgado to bang more homers off the scoreboard and fewer throws off Chase Utley, Jose Reyes to work counts and lace liners and race around second, Beltran and Wright to be Beltran and Wright, and Angel Pagan to keep being someone who bears no particular resemblance to the historical Angel Pagan. We wanted the Mets we loved in 2006 and the first two months of 2007, as opposed to the listless impostors who showed up for the last four months of 2007 and then reacquainted themselves with us at Shea yesterday by stumbling over their own feet. And we wanted it so badly that we were squeezing programs to pulp and beer bottles to metal shards and levitating our caps on little puffs of steam. The Phillies may or may not be in the Mets' heads, to revisit this morning's tedious newspaper theme, but there can be no doubt that they're in ours. After 45-odd years of scarcely noticing we shared a division with them, we now see them in every shadow. They're under our beds, in our closets, and the cops just called to say they've been phoning us from somewhere inside the house, asking if we've checked on the children.


What we wanted was for the Mets we used to know to show up, turn on the lights and demonstrate that there are no maroon-and-gray monsters in the closet. But dominance isn't like turning on a switch, and so not surprisingly we didn't get what we wanted.

But what we did get was probably what we needed: a laugher that was kind of on both of us.

What we got was a stupefying, goofy, doofy mess of a game — proof that the baseball gods are fickle and cruel but also downright weird. The way they tormented Pelfrey by asking him to get a key ground ball again. The way they tormented Kyle Kendrick by making an 0-2 count child's play and then shrinking the plate to the size of a postage stamp. The way they lit out after Eric Bruntlett like Furies for the crime of not being Jimmy Rollins. The Phillies played a horrible game, the kind of game that makes you grind your teeth and mutter that instead of kicking the other guy's teeth in and making a statement, your guys showed up in clown paint and fell down for a while and then crawled offstage. But we didn't exactly paint a masterpiece ourselves, not with Reyes heaving a ball over Easley's shoulder or the bases being left loaded repeatedly or Pelfrey following up admirable early innings with so-so middle innings that brought the bullpen in too early once again.

It was goofy and doofy and messy, but it was a win. So there! The Phillies' coach is so mad at them that he wouldn't take them to the Tastee-Freez, and our bus just zoomed by the Tastee-Freez without stopping, but at least we're getting to bounce on the seats and sing “99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall” without getting yelled at. And tomorrow? Tomorrow we might win and not make lots of mistakes. And then I'm totally getting fudge and butterscotch and that weird pineapple stuff nobody gets. You just see if I won't.

9 comments to Like Mick Said

  • Anonymous

    IMHO, all it proved is that the Phils, without the glue which is Rollins, can stink it up as badly as our guys . . . the same lack of hitting was on display last night – we garnered all of 5 hits against some of the worst pitching you'll see this side of our bullpen . . . the jury is still out

  • Anonymous

    Hey Greg, speaking of Mick – the Stones new IMAX movie is supposed to be excellent. Ok, I digressed. Now let's hope the Mets can win 9 in a row against Philly.

  • Anonymous

    Ok, I'll be the d&*k. We've been in the east since '69 with the Phils(39 years). Just curious, does anyone remember 1986 and how the c&%k monkeys oops I mean Phillies keep us from clinching the division in 2 separate series. It hasn't taken me 22 (or 39) years to dislike them…It's been an ongoing thing. Believe or not in 1993, I listened to them play the Braves(from the west) on a SINGARS( an Army radio system…first NLCS on TV I missed since…well never(ok '78 6 years old then) )and rooted for the Braves. I realize this comment will make me unpopular in these parts but I dislike the Philies more than I dislike the Yanks. (Um, we play them 18 times as opposed to 6 forced games). OK I'm done.

  • Anonymous

    Your regional popularity is unaffected by this statement. I was actually quite pleased to hear a “Phillies Suck!” chant go up through the TV last night if only because it was timely, focused (presumably on some drunk sap in a red cap) and it wasn't the same old tired “American League Team That's Not Here Right Now Sucks.”
    Phillies Suck chants tonight. Brewers Suck chants all weekend. If somebody has to suck during a given game, make it the opponent at hand.
    And Let's Go Mets!

  • Anonymous

    I have never called WFAN but I've definitely achieved the proper mindset because I find myself thinking that our only wins this year have been off the board in their decisiveness (the other team is so lame we couldn't not win) whereas all of our losses came in games that were competitive but we failed to come through at a critical juncture. Therefore, we win by six runs and I'm annoyed that we can't seem to win by one.
    Give me a hundred or so victories of the 8-2 variety and, well, I won't be nearly so stupid about it.

  • Anonymous

    As Mets fans know all too well and Phillies phans learned last night., baseball is a game of winces.

  • Anonymous

    I respect all passionately held hatred and rage. Heck, if I couldn't channel one or the other at all times I doubt I'd get anything done.

  • Anonymous

    Nicely turned…

  • Anonymous

    Off topic, but I noticed that today ,Carlos Gomez & Lastings Milledge are both hitting .316 ………….wierd!