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Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.
Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.
Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.
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A Day in the Bleachers
by Greg Prince on 28 April 2008 10:46 pm
I think I’m a little too happy to have finally secured a spot in Shea’s sun-drenched picnic area, don’t you? But what a vista! As the t-shirt implies, it feels like the crossroads of the civilized world out there.
(Thanks to Emily for snapping what is now my all-time favorite picture of me and my ballpark.)
I don't think I've ever seen a happier man.
And “we” won that day, to boot!
Good shot, Greg.
Had it been Sunday's game, would you have been able to see Ryan Church's sparkling catch from your vantage point in left? I know sitting toward the foul pole one starts to miss the corner of the warning track in front.
Partial blocking of the warning track is a common disadvantage of outfield seats in any ballpark – and moreso for those like Philly where the stands pertrude way in front of the outfield fence, causing those in the lower outfield seats to lose sight of the action in the corner altogether.
LOVE that tee-shirt!
The picnic area was a great place to hang out, but I don't know that I'd make it my perch of choice for a game I was trying to watch every pitch of. Church's ball I probably would have seen given the angle, but anything to the left field corner would have been a lost cause.
I've sat in the outfield in Philadelphia and Phoenix. It's different from what we're used to here…though not different from what we'll be getting used to, I suppose.
Hi Greg,
My boss was sitting in the left-field mezzanine by the foul pole at Yankee Stadium for the first playoff game in 2003 against the Twins and was unable to see that leaping game-saving catch in the ninth inning by Shannon Stewart off the bat of Matsui. Because of the angle and bright sunlight, he wasn't able to see it on the scoreboard replay as well!
I believe you all know my Endy-was-actually-behind-me story…
Hi Charlie,
Not really, but let me guess – outfield seats in left? :).
this shot convinces me i've got to take my son to the bleachers this year — he's always wanted to go, and i've demurred because i assumed the view sucks. but it's no worse than the bleachers at, say, camden yards, where the kids and i had a great time last summer. the field just feels closer.
Yeah. I spent the entire '06 playoffs in the bleachers. When Endy made THE catch, he was actually behind where I was sitting and nobody in our section could really see what had happened. and of course, DiamondVision was above our heads. I saw the people in the LF field boxes stand up and scream, waving their arms, so I knew something wonderful had happened.
A guy sitting behind me called his house to ask “WHAT DA HECK HAPPENED???” because his Metsvolk were watching Fox, of course…
Once we got his report, we found out what it sort of looked like.