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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Rays 2 Phils 2

As we wait for the World Series to continue or conclude or do something other than start late and generate low ratings, consider that if it were the Mets representing the National League under similar circumstances, last night would have been the final game in the history of Shea Stadium (and remember it was Billy Wagner not holding an eighth-inning All-Star lead that facilitated the middle three games being played in the N.L. park). Seeing as how Philly's weather edged our way not long after the tarp covered the Citizens Bank Park infield, can you imagine the final game ever at Shea Stadium being suspended? Can you imagine Shea being given a little extra life by sixth-inning tie, ungodly precipitation and/or commissioner's fiat?

Can you imagine Wright driving the ball with Murphy on third and nobody out?

So much for that flight of fancy.

5 comments to Rays 2 Phils 2

  • Anonymous

    Can you imagine Wright driving the ball with Murphy on third and nobody out?
    I'm sorry Greg, but I will campaign forever that this was only one small cog in the set of wheels the Mets built to carry them to their respective October tee-times. Please don't be stuck on this all winter (and beyond). Really, all you need to do is look at Johan's 2008 game log and count the ND's. You can look at the 6-run 9th for the Phillies while you're there. Or the blown 7-0 lead against the Phillies. Or getting swept 4 games in San Diego. You can go back through all the blogs from the season and count the insanely high number of times someone posted, “this was a brutal loss, but we always bounce back from them.” We went through a season under constant fear that we could take one brutal loss too many, and that's exactly what we did. Those other losses deserve just as much of the blame.
    I still say we were lucky to even be in the runnings on the final day.
    …then again, 15 years from now someone can say, “Murphy on third, nobody out” and I'll know immediately what that means. I suppose there is merit to the statement.
    As for the rest of your post, I'd be happy as a clam to have tickets to a suspended Game 5 at Shea. Think about all the white-collar, “I missed the play because I was typing on my blackberry” status-seekers that would stay home for the conclusion! What a crowd that would be!!!

  • Anonymous

    Still another chapter in the Bud Seelig years I rather forget..That game should never have been played with the pending weather..
    Honestly have you ever seen worse conditions for a Series game! I cant believe this all transpired in front of MLB big shots..
    See you in da Bronx…

  • Anonymous

    I'm sorry Greg, but I will campaign forever that this was only one small cog in the set of wheels the Mets built to carry them to their respective October tee-times.
    As noted here, Terry Pendleton had accomplices, too, but Pendleton is the shorthand for falling short in 1987. Not inclusively accurate, but not altogether wrong. I think that's the Murphy on third, nobody out situation. I'll be happy (actually I'll be extremely unhappy) to find other examples of Mets ineptitude in the clutch, or turning non-clutch moments into desperate times, but that one, coming late and obviously, is hard to shake.
    I Heart David but he also struck out in the ninth the next night with one on and one out in a tie game in the ninth, saved by Beltran. David also drove in 124 runs in the course of the season. This is less about DW than the moment getting away from this team.

  • Anonymous

    I fear there may not be many moments left for this group.

  • Anonymous

    I recall when I mentioned Wright's wrong moment Greg, you quickly pointed out that there where several moments that could easily qualify as important to this teams fall.
    I totally agree..but…That Wednesday night game against the Cubs and that particular at bat is the single most important moment to point to-if you must!
    David is a terrific player and will have more moments to shine and I believe he will. He is however no MVP this season, the hell with the numbers..Disappointment is a part of the game and as Mets fans it's a part of our experience but it does not define it…