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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Irregulars Fit Perfectly

Are the Rockies batters muttering away their between-games wait by convincing themselves they had no chance no matter what they did since Johan was so on, or will Jim Tracy cheer up his charges by reminding them they were up against an offensive juggernaut?

“Fellas, forget it. You can't shut down an Angel Berroa in clutch situations. And Angel Pagan runs faster than the Acela itself. As for Cory Sullivan…hey, he told us he was coming to get us, so we shouldn't be surprised.”

The composition of Cora's Irregulars, as my partner calls them, has wandered ever farther from the beaten path, which is good since they've gone five games without taking a beating. Administering them is suddenly their preferred route, while all Colorado must look forward to on their jaunts to Flushing is the bus to LaGuardia.

How can you doubt a Mets team made up of so many proven commodities? On Thursday afternoon it featured:

• a first baseman who's been an old hand at the position for two months;

• a leftfielder who spent the first half of the season discovering the charms of Western New York;

• a rightfielder who may never be able to tell his grandchildren what it was like to see unintentional Ball Four;

• a centerfielder who, as his name would indicate, went through hell before becoming heaven-sent;

• and a former Rookie of the Year who has taken six years to overcome the sophomore jinx.

Omir Santos co-led this lineup in Met home runs with a half-dozen, which is OK since we don't much bother with home runs. We were without Luis Castillo, which, for the first time since he came here in 2007, seemed like a really bad thing. We were without Brian Schneider, which necessitated the callup of Robinson Cancel…whom I still confuse with Omir Santos.

Santana, seven innings, eight strikeouts, four hits, one walk…what are the Rockies supposed to do with that?

Pagan, Cora, Wright, Murphy, Francoeur, Sullivan, Santos, Berroa…one All-Star and seven secret weapons. What are the Rockies supposed to do with that?

For your between-games reading pleasure: Faith and Fear in Flushing: An Intense Personal History of the New York Mets, available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble or a bookstore near you. Keep in touch and join the discussion on Facebook.

6 comments to Irregulars Fit Perfectly

  • Anonymous

    This is fun.

  • Anonymous

    Ain't it, though? Kind of like the last hour of a date that went horribly wrong from the get-go. At some point, you say to yourself, “What the hell…I'm just going to relax and enjoy what's left of this”.
    And I'm NOT paraphrasing Tex Antoine there.

  • Anonymous

    You're showing your age referencing the comment that caused Tex Antoine to get canned.
    Remember what got Soupy Sales kicked off the air? The incident was after he and his two sons sang “Meet The Mets” on Hullabaloo.

  • Anonymous

    “When Daddy's asleep, go into his pants pockets and some of those funny-looking, green pieces of paper to me…”

  • Anonymous

    I lest out a “send.”

  • Anonymous

    Ah Charlie,
    You did a search engine to find the exact wording! BTW, I stand corrected – it happened before he appeared on Hullabaloo with his kids.