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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Cheers to the Angels

During this postseason, I've rooted against the Cardinals. Tonight I'm rooting against the Yankees. For as long as they survive and skip Pedro Martinez, I'll be rooting against the Phillies. But this afternoon I rooted for the Angels and, for the first time in a while where my positive baseball affinity is concerned, I've been rewarded.

The Angels have been my Second Team since 2002 (with my auxiliary appreciation since 1986). It's an admittedly light affiliation, but it's tangible enough for me to sincerely enjoy their bouts of success when I'm not otherwise immersed in my First Team. Thus, I was quite delighted when erstwhile nemesis Bobby Abreu and all-time favorite opponent Vladimir Guerrero pooled their combined talents to slay the annoying closer of Red Sox Nation (an inning after our erstwhile Sandman made like an Orange County alarm clock and helped awaken the sleeping Angel bats). Most pleasant game of the postseason thus far. No ballpark looks better on television that Fenway on a puffy, cumulus Sunday. I guess we won't have that pleasure anymore in 2009, but it's not like they were going to schedule a lot of day games in the next round.

Then there's the matter of the Angels having been the only consistent American League thorn in another team's side since 1996. That can't hurt our larger postseason cause, whenever our cause becomes official (presumably a few hours hence in Minnesota). The recent past doesn't make the Angels any kind of ALCS lock, but I'll take my chances with them. I'll take my chances with any version of Not the Yankees, mind you, but these chances may actually have some hope in them.

Whether you call 'em California or Los Angeles of Anaheim, I'm calling the Angels the only team I've got at the moment.

A lovely perspective on a team that didn't get quite far enough this month as well as an exciting tour of an otherwise deserted baseball fortress from the relentlessly positive Dave Murray.

4 comments to Cheers to the Angels

  • Anonymous

    You should always root for the Angels. And NEVER for the slimy scummy Dodgers!

  • Anonymous

    I don't understand why Mets fans could have problems with the Boston Red Sox.
    It's not we've lost to that team when it mattered.

  • Anonymous

    As far as this fan is concerned, if it isn't the Mets (and it very rarely ever is) then ultimately I'm rooting for Anyone But The Yankees. If that means I have to backhandedly support the likes of the Phillies or Dodgers, so be it. Of course I'm always hoping that it never comes to that and some otherwise anonymous (to me) AL club will do the job first (Go Angels).
    It really does sicken me to be forced to pull for any NL team because I dislike all of them for various reasons but I ultimately I blame the Yankees for putting me in that position. It makes me want to see them lose even more, in fact.

  • Anonymous

    i've been expecting this series as the determinant of whether my winter is an aggravated one — as it seems sure to be — or pleasant enough.
    am a postseasonally adjusted angels fan again. just concerned that one of these years they won't be the cure.