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Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.
Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.
Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.
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Mets Yearbook: 1975
by Greg Prince on 2 December 2009 11:22 pm
SNY’s excellent Mets Yearbook series returns Thursday night, December 3, at 7:30 with the 1975 highlight film. Find out if Tom Seaver strikes out 200 batters for an eighth consecutive year.
And speaking of seeing Tom Seaver, if you haven’t seen the Alaska Goldpanners’ fabulous footage from the future Franchise’s first major league start, 4/13/67 at minty-green Shea Stadium, you gotta check it out right now. Thanks to Kerel Cooper of On The Black at bringing this archival gem to the Metsosphere’s attention.
Image courtesy of
I still have this somewhere, but it's been dafaced…by the autographs of Del Unser, Al Unser (Del's Dad, not the NASCAR guy), Felix Millan, George Stone and Ralph Kiner.
Oh, and Bob Apodaca, too!
Defaced? I'd say enhanced.
This is the first yearbook I remember buying, and I still have it too. You gotta love the haphazard aesthetics involved on that cover. Someone had the moderately clever idea to line up balls in that shape, and the execution is awesome – some clubby sloppily scrawls the totals with a red ballpoint, and gets Seaver to squat in front of a table showing them. I remember even as an eight-year-old thinking “Wow, that looks like my basement”.
Yes, the Mets PR operation sure has come a long way.
Same sloppy approach, just a better graphics department.
The Mets must have your basement remark. Within two years, they were entrenched in one.
OMG, that play by Stearns! If you saw the show, you'll know which play I'm referring to.
If SportsCenter existed in 1975, or if “Meet The Mets' were an NFL Films production, that play by Stearns would be legendary.
Watched it over the weekend, and… Wow! The Kingman footage was fantastic! Back before the media pissed him off, he was a friendly, gregarious guy.
Y'know what'd be awesome? If, after these all run on SNY, they sell a DVD set.