The blog for Mets fans
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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Today's Game

Continuing the recent theme of leaning forward into the schedule of meaningless exhibitions until we are so close to Tradition Field that we’ll be called out for fan’s interference, there’s a game today.

Today has a game. A baseball game. A Mets game.

It’s Today’s Game.

Today’s Game is scheduled to start at 1:10.

Today’s Game will air on SNY.

Pitching in Today’s Game will be whoever. Same for the catcher. Same for the batting order.

Whoever, whatever…we’re not picky. We’re starving. We’ll be sated by Today’s Game. Just the thought of Today’s Game fills us up.

Today has a game. A baseball game. A Mets game.

Can’t wait for Today’s Game.

So what else is new?

11 comments to Today’s Game

  • Justin

    i’m prone to hyperbole, but i truly mean it when i say i’ve never felt like an offseason lasted as long as this one has, and i’ve never been so excited for a meaningless game in March.

    the skies can still open up and snow til their heart’s content, but winter is over today.

  • srt

    As an adult and a Met fan, Opening Day has replaced the kid like excitement waiting for XMas.
    Just. Can’t Wait.

  • roz

    Nobody expresses how we all feel like you guys…..

  • Joe D.

    Today is pitching, not who…., who is forever covering first.

  • Jeff

    Finally, finally — Mets baseball.

    And could somebody please send Marty Noble a 2010 calendar? He seems to be a bit too hung up on last year, and the year before, and so on…

  • Inside Pitcher

    Yea for the good part of the year!

  • Guy Kipp


    I felt like the offseason started on about June 12.

  • CharlieH

    Figgy! Tejada! Ike! FERNANDO!!!!!

    (The “vets” in the lineup are the failures: Sarge, Jr. with a K, Jacobs leaving guys on base)

  • CharlieH

    …and we get a Happy Recap, too!

  • I can honestly say that wasn’t boring.

  • Well said. That’s about how I feel. It’s good to look at video of Tradition Field (as it is the other stadiums that I know in the Grapefruit League). It’s good to hear Gary, Keith, and Ron (and Kevin too). It’s not about who wins and who loses, or even who plays (both the players and the teams). It’s about baseball being played.

    Have you ever noticed how Spring Training just sounds different in the background behind the announcers?