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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Jane in the Rain

The Mets Hall of Fame & Museum is Amazin’, Amazin’, Amazin’, yet it has to share honors as the most Amazin’ upgrade at Citi Field in 2010 with the quiet and most welcome infusion of Jane Jarvis into the sound system.

You know what plays over the loudspeakers when the Mets take the field now? Jane’s 1996 recording of “Meet The Mets”. Twice I’ve heard it at a game’s outset, and twice I’ve been moved to applaud heartily. (Let the players think it’s only for them assuming their positions.) I also heard it on the way into the ballpark last night, which made the impending rainy evening a whole lot sunnier. Earlier this month I kvelled when they played Jane’s you know it when you hear it rendition of “Let’s Go Mets,” an instrumental she composed that’s a little like “The Mexican Hat Dance,” and not at all to be confused with the “Let’s Go Mets” from the ’80s.

We note the Mets’ presentation blunders when they occur, so we should also praise them to the high heavens (where Jane is presumably doing two shows nightly) when they execute perfectly. Reinstating the music of Jane Jarvis, evoking precious Shea memories and introducing new ones at Citi Field is one of the best things Mets management has done in a very long time. So caps off to them.

Want to know more about “Meet The Mets”? Read Richard Sandomir’s article about its origins and endurance in the New York Times. As for the late Ms. Jarvis, her friends (and there were many) are holding a memorial tribute for her at St. Peter’s Church two weeks from now, Monday evening, May 10, 7:00 PM, on East 54th Street in Manhattan, just east of Lexington Avenue. St. Peter’s is spiritual home to New York’s jazz community and the perfect venue — as long as Shea Stadium isn’t available — for a night of remembrance and music. Hope you can make it.

Author Lee Lowenfish, who alerted us to the St. Peter’s event, tells Jane’s life story beautifully at his blog. Brighten up this rainy day and read it here.

12 comments to Jane in the Rain

  • Does Citi Field actually have an organ, or is it all pre-recorded? I know I heard organ music as well last year, and often times it’s pop stuff that’s well after Jarvis’ time with the Mets.

  • I do believe there’s a real, live organist working CF as well. On Jackie Robinson Night, “Did You See Jackie Robinson Hit That Ball?” was played a few times and it was a little different on each occasion. Do not know that person’s name, but it’s nice to have that touch as well.

  • Ray

    I will sell, loan, or outright gift you anything up to my only child (and even that’s negotiable if this week turns out to be like a couple of days last week) if you could snag a recording of “Lets Go Mets.” Nothing fancy- if you’ve got an iPhone, there’s an app for that. Just push record.

  • Matt

    I’d like to echo what Ray said. I would love to hear this before I get out to Citi this year.

  • JoAnn

    Her name should appear somewhere in that stadium. Nice to hear they are playing her music again. Now if they could pipe in the smell of cigars, it will be just like old times.

  • DW

    Yes, Jane is doing two jazz shows nightly with only the best, but on the weekends she’s at the big ballyard in the sky, hitting the Thomas Organ with Eddie Layton and the matriarch of them all … the only person who played for the Knicks, Rangers and the Brooklyn Dodgers — Gladys Goodding.

  • Ray

    DW: that was a longtime Rochester bar bet question- name the only person to ever play for both the Amerks and Red Wings. Answer: the immortal Fred Costello on the keyboard!

  • […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by You Gotta Believe! and Rain Q, Greg Prince. Greg Prince said: Jane in the Rain. #Mets […]

  • Joe D.

    So happy that the Mets are paying such tribute that befits such a great lady.

    But again, this raises my anger and resentment. I don’t believe the Wilpons deserve any credit for this wonderful and moving gesture;
    Jeff and Fred lack the capability of such feeling, at least when it comes to the colors of orange and blue. For them, everything revolves around the color of green and the public relations deemed necessary to sustain it.

    So a well deserved kudos instead to those wonderful unknowns in the organization who share the same passion and sentimentality that we do. It’s these type of people who could think of such a wonderful idea that really does come from the heart – not the people they work for.

  • […] Jane Jarvis rest in peace, but can their legacies receive a little more due, as they seem to have recently at CitiField and, for that matter, at Devils hockey games, of all places (probably the only good thing about […]

  • Kiner's Coroner

    I’m glad to hear this. To those of us who grew up attending games at Shea in the 1970’s, the music of Jane Jarvis was a significant part of the Shea Stadium experience. It brings back great memories, albeit not so much of the quality of baseball the Mets were playing back then.

  • […] • Reminder for fans of Jane Jarvis’s music, Mets-related and otherwise: a jazz memorial in her honor is taking place at St. Peter’s Church in Manhattan this Monday evening. Details here. […]