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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Beyond Redemption

I was napping when Sunday afternoon’s game began. So were the Mets. When I awoke and flipped on the bedside radio, the first thing I heard from Wayne Hagin was something about trying to limit the damage.

But the damage had been done. The Mets were down six-nothing and yet another starting pitcher…and it wasn’t even the fourth inning. A comeback of sorts was generated, and it was almost invigorating — yet it wasn’t enough. There’s generally never enough you can do when you’re losing six-nothing. The damage, on the scoreboard and within Jonathon Niese’s hamstring, had been done.

Following a most disillusioning four-game sweep in Miami — a new name for Whatchamacallit Stadium, ¡por favor! — there’s not much left to do besides hope for better nights ahead in Atlanta and, perhaps, channel the wisdom of Ellis Boyd ‘Red’ Redding, former resident of Shawshank State Prison in Maine. Red was last seen violating his parole somewhere near Fort Hancock, Texas, but en route to Zihuatanejo he left behind some words that describe well the weekend that was.

I wish I could tell you that the Mets fought the good fight, and the Marlins let them be. I wish I could tell you that — but the National League East is no fairy tale world. They never said who did it, but we all knew. Things went on like that for a while — baseball season consists of routine, and then more routine. Every so often, the Mets would show up with fresh losses. The Marlins kept at them — sometimes they were able to fight ’em off, sometimes not. And that’s how it went for the Mets — that was their routine. I do believe those four games at Florida were the worst for them, and I also believe that if things had gone on that way, last place would have got the best of them.

The Mets are now incarcerated in the cellar of their division, length of sentence undetermined. They’ve lost five in a row, eleven of fifteen. There’s not a day goes by I don’t feel regret.

Find some measure of Met redemption at Two Boots Grand Central debut of AMAZIN’ TUESDAY. Your hosts are Jon Springer of Mets By The Numbers and me. Our very special guests are Taryn Cooper of My Summer Family, Josh Wilker of Cardboard Gods and, hopefully, you. We convene at 7 PM. Details here.

10 comments to Beyond Redemption

  • Robb

    I want Jerry Manuel gone. Not tomorrow, not after breakfast, now.

    • Joe D.

      Don’t blame these four losses on Jerry – he didn’t throw a wild pitch or make a bad ninth inning base running mistake or got doubled off first or serve up home run balls or misplay balls at third or throw the ball away from right field.

      Blame this on the performance of the guys who took the field instead. They are pressing too hard – which is still better than the past few seasons when they hardly pressed at all. The only one who doesn’t deserve to get off the hook is Ollie, who has now twice refused assignment to the minors to get his act together and wasting a roster spot. Short of donating some of his well un-deserved salary to charity, he is getting the public criticism and humiliation he greatly deserves.

  • […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Greg Prince. Greg Prince said: Last place #Mets currently beyond redemption. […]

  • Paul

    a manager’s role on a team from an outsider’s perspective is so hard to figure out. but don’t you always get the feeling the mets play well in spite of jerry. the fact that jerry didn’t say that jose was permanently back in the 1-hole is one sign of that. you just never know what jerry will pull out of his ass tomorrow. that level of uncertainty is not something i like to get from my manager. in a related note, rod barajas poured a gallon of ice-cold water on my man crush for him on saturday night. how much do you blame crap like that on the manager by the way? Not the first time it’s happened this season, and it’s been perpetrated by vets who should know better. Accountability still not where it needs to be. Good thing for the mets that being a fan equals unconditional love

  • Cropseymonster

    The Mets, under the Wilpons’ stewardship, continue the downward march to St. Louis Browns-like irrelevancy . . . this organization is rotten from the top . . . very sad

  • Some incredibly frustrating games, but there is still hope, as far as I’m concerned. Going 6-0 down like yesterday is obviously bad, but coming close to clawing something back is encouraging. At least there is a sense of will within the team.

    I agree with Joe D above: “They are pressing too hard – which is still better than the past few seasons when they hardly pressed at all.”

    I’d much rather see a team lose because of mistakes that can be ironed out than see a team destroyed day-in, day-out because it is plain not good enough.

    Maybe I just have very low expectations (or am an eternal optimist), but I don’t think things are that bad yet. While the rotation is obviously a real worry, there are still plenty of things that could, and should, be resolved easily. If (and what a big “if”) the coaching staff is up to it.

  • dmg

    wright’s error at third taking the throw from niese is underdiscussed. that’s the play that opened the gates. a sure double play, leaving one on and two outs turns into a blowout — the very next batter, a two-run double and the start of the marlins’ big inning.

    trying too hard? if you say so. how about making the basic plays?

  • Rob D.

    What say you, fussy britches?

  • Phred

    If Wright had pulled a hammy, that would let Murphy come back at third and offer a slight chance of improving the team. They need Niese more than they need Wright these days…

  • […] playing the Florida Marlins. They suffered their first loss while playing the Florida Marlins. They absorbed their first serious body blow when they were swept by the Florida Marlins. They kick-started their best stretch of baseball by […]