The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Of Dukes and Other Royalty

Duke Snider was hugely talented, agreeably and disagreeably human by turns, and essential to the myth of the Brooklyn Dodgers — for the move west from Ebbets Field to the other side of the continent threw his career into permanent decline, almost as if the Duke of Flatbush had lost his royal powers when he […]

The Former Met's Speech

As has become annual custom here on the day following the night the Oscars are presented, the Academy would like to pause for a moment to remember those Mets who have, in the baseball sense, left us in the past year.

Joaquin Arias, 2010
Earth to Jerry: The game counted. It was 1-1. We could have used […]

Too Old? Too Young? Just Right.

Most dignified-looking Met: Duke Snider. That gray hair gets them. If he offered to sell you the Brooklyn bridge you’d be certain he owned it.
—Leonard Shecter, New York Post, 1963

“I think Casey was referring to the fact that when I was 29, I’d have 10 years in the league, but of course, he mangled the […]

Double Vision

A few weeks ago today was a new entry on my Google Calendar: 2/26 Mets WPIX 1p. A couple of days ago I saw it waiting there, suddenly not so far away. Thursday night, as plans unfolded for the weekend, I raised it as an item in the mix.

And then today, there I was coming […]

It's All a Blue Blur

Ronny Paulino reportedly isn’t in Mets camp yet. How can they tell? Based on the onslaught of images filtering north from Port St. Lucie, there seem to be approximately 2,000 players in Mets camp. Check harder — our backup catcher’s visa’s gotta be in there somewhere.

In the spirit of that which is so crowded that […]

Trying to Remember Joe Frazier

The Montreal Expos were slowly infiltrating the field and the Mets were leaving one by one. I did make one more attempt to speak with Frazier. Southern accent and all, he has the face and appearance of an Appalachian moonshiner, a lot like Ron Hodges. “Why do you want to write this book?” he asked. […]

Stay Albert Stay

Except for my standard-issue human blood and my mother’s accusations that I harbored “Bolshevik” sympathies as a nine-year-old McGovernite, you won’t find a drop of red in me. No Cardinal red, certainly. Ptui! on the 1985 Cardinals. Ptui! on the 1987 Cardinals. Ptui! on the Best Fans In Baseball. A Niagara Falls of loogies on […]

You (Usually) Can't Go Home Again

Like my blog partner, I registered the wholly unexpected presence of Jason Isringhausen in Mets camp — and, however briefly, allowed myself to dream.

Stories like Izzy’s are an object lesson in why it’s good that fans don’t run baseball teams. The reaction of the Sandy Alderson braintrust to Izzy’s availability, I’m sure, was a businesslike […]

Happy Izzyversary to Us

Today is the sixth anniversary of Faith and Fear in Flushing, and I’m touched that the Mets thought to get us Jason Isringhausen to mark the occasion. A 1995 Met is the perfect touch.

From the standpoint of FAFIF mythology, only Bill Pulsipher would have been more appropriate. Your co-bloggers’ first game together was June 17, […]

Here's Hoping

Always make the difference between optimism and hope. I’m not an optimist at all — I’m a prisoner of hope. I don’t believe in optimism. That’s too thin.
—Dr. Cornel West, Real Time With Bill Maher, February 11, 2011

I hope Carlos Beltran is feeling 29 again. That Jose Reyes is all revved up to go at […]