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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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It's All a Blue Blur

Ronny Paulino reportedly isn’t in Mets camp yet. How can they tell? Based on the onslaught of images filtering north from Port St. Lucie, there seem to be approximately 2,000 players in Mets camp. Check harder — our backup catcher’s visa’s gotta be in there somewhere.

In the spirit of that which is so crowded that nobody goes there anymore, I’ve treaded (or perhaps trod) lightly on in-depth Spring Training coverage since it began to spill out of every pore of my computer, my digital device and my SNY. I’m not complaining that it’s there, mind you; it beats the hell out of staring out the window and waiting for snow to melt. But if I were perched breathlessly on every syllable regarding how good [guy I never heard of/gave the slightest thought to before this week] looked in this morning’s side session, I’d probably be OD’ing right about now.

Whereas I usually read as much of what is written about the Mets as possible, I’ve mostly skimmed the minute-by-minute Florida updates, and otherwise marveled at all the pretty pictures. My sense from my marveling is the 2011 Mets, as presently constituted, are one big blur of blue. There go a few hundred guys in Mets batting practice tops running this way and there go a few hundred more in Mets batting practice tops stretching that way. Somewhere in between, perhaps in several places at once, is the blurriest Met presence of them all, Terry Collins.

Is Terry Collins doing a great job? Well, he’s doing a job, which in itself is commendable in this economy. Otherwise it’s premature to draw conclusions based on every last pronouncement the manager makes to however many microphones are projected toward his lips. For the rest of us in our comparatively humdrum occupations, whatever Terry Collins is doing would qualify as preparation, the stuff nobody else would see, the stuff nobody else would judge us on. Terry operates on a more fascinating stage, I suppose, but everything to this point is a rough rehearsal for which the stage door happened to be left unlocked. Just because people get to watch what he’s doing doesn’t mean there’s a ton to be divined from it.

Let Collins at least manage one pretend game first…and whaddaya know? The Mets’ first pretend game is Saturday, on Channel 11, which will help me craft the vaguest of underinformed impressions regarding who should play second, who should be in the bullpen, who should be handed the ball on fourth and fifth days. Right now, I blissfully and ignorantly admit I have no idea whose those players should be. I could pick a name based on all the well-intentioned observing others have done, but I’d like to see a few pitches, a few swings, a few ground balls in exhibitions for myself. Then and only then, when I happen to be looking at the TV long enough to be impressed by a fleeting shot of [some other guy I never heard of/gave the slightest thought to before this week], will I insist that that guy has to make the team.

Right now, I only insist that there be a team, and I’m comforted that there seem to be enough Mets in St. Lucie to form forty of them. Until they sort themselves out, I’ll content myself to root for that big blue blur.

In the meantime, does MLB have a job for you!

10 comments to It’s All a Blue Blur

  • March'62

    I can’t recall ever being as unexcited by a spring training opening. Although there are so many questions to this ‘blur’ of a team, almost all of the starting positions are set. The ‘battle’ for 2nd base, the middle relief corps, and the 4th and 5th starters, is not enough to get me adequately buzzed. How is it possible that we won’t have a great season if our position players are so strong that they don’t have to ward off competition? As Sandy says, I think we’re better than people think. Or is that the punch talking?

    • I think there are more position battles:

      The 2010 Jason Bay vs. the good Jason Bay.

      The healthy Jose Reyes vs. the injury-plagued Jose Reyes.

      Center fielder Carlos Beltran vs. right fielder Carlos Beltran.

      Anger-Management Frankie Rodriguez vs. Krazy K-Rod.

      Yup, Digital Domain Park is shaping up as quite the battlefield.

      • March'62

        was it ever revealed what the argument between Krazy-Rod and his father-in-law was about? Here are some possibilities of what the father-in-law said that set Krazy-Rod off:
        1. You gonna finish that hot dog?
        2. Come here and pull my big foam finger.
        3. Johan’s father-in-law gets to sit in the aisle seat.
        4. why don’t they play the Mr. Softee music when you come in the game?

  • NostraDennis

    I’ve been trained for decades to accept the good, the bad and the sliver lining when it comes to the Mets.

    The good – I get to watch the Mets this Sunday against the Braves.
    The bad – I have to watch Oliver Perez pitch.
    The silver lining – It might be the last time any of us has to.

  • dak442

    What is a sillier name? Tradition Field (in a recently-manufactured town, a ballpark that HAS no tradition) or Digital Domain Park? Would it have killed them to forego the $1000 or so and called it Gil Hodges Park, or Shea South or something?

  • boldib

    I’ve only recently discovered Mets blogs (lots of good stuff) so this is the 1st spring training I’ve blogged along with. The coverage is really in the spirit of Met fandom and, for that, hats off. However, I have to question the keen-eyed talent judging qualifications down there in PSL blog land. To be agog is grand. Leave it at that – that’s plenty good in my book.

  • Joe D.

    Hi Greg,

    I feel the same as March62 – though can’t wait for spring training and the season begin I’m also very unenthusiastic about the quality we’re going to put on the field this season. If my apprehension proves founded, then at least we’ll be so bad this year that we can truly look forward to feeling optomistic when approaching 2012 for as the radio jingle went in 1965 “we’ve got no place to go but up!”

    And remember “regarding who should play second” what is the one covering the bag at second, who is on first – unless you “don’t give a darn”.

  • Will in Central NJ

    Could it be that the Mets’ blue blur are like God’s green earth: they both look gorgeous from a distance, (say outer space)? When one doesn’t zoom in too closely on the respective scars and deficiencies?