- Faith and Fear in Flushing - https://www.faithandfearinflushing.com -

Reading for Dana

In the wake of Dana Brand’s passing [1], Howard Megdal had a fine idea. He noticed Dana had a date scheduled well in advance to read from his books Mets Fan [2] and The Last Days of Shea [3] at the Tappan Library [4]in Rockland County, not far from where Howard lives. Wouldn’t it be something, Howard suggested, to keep the date? Wouldn’t it be something to go and read for Dana? Sounded like something plenty good. He asked me to join him, and I said yes. Like Howard, I couldn’t be more humbled at the prospect.

The date is tomorrow night, Thursday June 16, 7 o’clock ’til 9. Howard and I will read what Dana wrote, discuss as best we can why Dana wrote and, hopefully, meet some Mets fans and fans of Dana’s. If we can introduce anybody unfamiliar with either to both, all the better. (And don’t worry: all action from Atlanta will be subtly and respectfully monitored.)

If you’re in the vicinity of 93 Main Street in Tappan, we hope you can join us. (Also keep in mind the date of July 16 for the celebration of the life of Dana Brand at Shea Stadium/Citi Field; details here [5].)

Speaking of authors of Mets books worth delving into, check out Howard’s latest, Taking the Field: A Fan’s Quest to Run the Team He Loves [6].  It’s an engaging trip through the mind of the would-be general manager of the New York Mets, and a worthy addition to your baseball library.

Oh, and I think you might hear me on WKNY, 1490 on your AM dial in the Kingston area, Thursday morning at 7:35, though when I checked them out during drive time Wednesday morning, they were playing “Faithfully” by Journey. Hmm, maybe that was a plug for Faith and Fear. [7] Anyway, you can listen in here [1].