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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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It's a Marvelous Night for a Grave Dance

I’ve been kind of busy drinking and dancing this weekend, and speaking of which

Mets fans!
There’s no need to feel down
I said, Mets fans!
Pick yourself off the ground
I said, Mets fans!
‘Cause in one silly town
There’s nobody very happy

Mets fans!
There’s some games you can watch
I said, Mets fans!
With no kick to the crotch
You can sit back!
And I’m sure you will find
An absence you surely won’t mind

It’s fun to tune in the N-L-C-S!
It’s fun to tune in the N-L-C-S!

You can root for the Crew
Or have enough of St. Loo
And there’ll be no Phillies no way!

Mets fans!
Are you listening to me?
I said, Mets fans!
They won two but lost three
I said, Mets fans!
I know it seems like a dream
But you’ve got to know it happened

No team!
Loses all by itself
Like the Yankees!
The Phils are now on the shelf
So just turn on!
Frequency TBS
Their games will be among the best

It’s fun to tune in the N-L-C-S!
It’s fun to tune in the N-L-C-S!

The Cards annoy us a lot
But the Phils they are not
And for that we’re grateful

15 comments to It’s a Marvelous Night for a Grave Dance

  • mikeL

    is it me or does it seem that with ryan howard’s *freekish* exclamation point to the the dashing of phillies WS aspirations, the mets’ injury ju-ju may have found itself another (and need i say) more deserved host.
    i feel bad for ryan howard the individual, but maybe this is the beginning of philadelphia’s decline back to whence they have been for most of their years.

  • dmg

    for some real sheadenfreude, you should read the comments on some philly fan blogs (try reminiscent of “lord of the flies,” in that all-hell-breaks-loose cannibalistic self-loathing way. sweet.

  • insidepitcher

    Bravo Greg – that’s truly inspired!

  • Danny katelnikoff

    I hate to be this guy, but I’m just so happy.

  • Andee

    They had the rabbit’s foot all year, and suddenly, it fell out of their pockets. Gee, I have no idea how that feels.

    Look, it’s a five-game series. The Astros could have beaten them in a five-game series if it came along at the right time.

    And that thud you hear is the sound of millions of people falling off bandwagons in Boston, the Bronx, and Sillydelphia. Perhaps these teams will be better off without all the stupid bandwagon fans. I, for one, was not too thrilled by some of the knuckle-draggers identifying themselves as Mets fans in the ’80s. It leads to some bad juju.

  • open the gates

    I just keep picturing the Phanatic attempting to dance the “N-L-C-S” and falling flat on his kiester.


  • Joe D.

    Some of the joy about the Phillies and Yankees loss is curtailed because the first round of the LCS is a crap shoot and anybody can lose a short five game series and What comes out of the playoff system is more a tournament winner than a true champion (notice the flag hanging in San Francisco said “2010 World Series Champions” instead of “2010 World Champions” – a Freudian slip?).

    I just wonder how these teams would have done under the old two-division system with the pressure of a real pennant race instead of the cushion of the wild card underneath their as*es.

  • Joe D.

    Also, when has anybody ever seen two seasons end on one swing of the bat?

  • Jerseyjack

    Anyone catch the NY Post back page from yesterday?? “THe Three Stooges” (A-rod, Tex, Swisher) — hilarious!!

  • srt

    I don’t often tune into day time baseball talk radio – what with work and all. But I made a point to tune into Francesa the day after the Yankees were eliminated.
    ‘Stunned’ ‘Shock’ ‘Numb’ ‘Unbelieving’ – were just some of the words used to describe that Yankee loss by Francesa, who was pretty much speaking for all Yankee fans. Said they had the game in the bag before it even started. Said everyone he talked to in the stadium before that game had the same opinion. Foregone conclusion and all.

    And as ARod struck out to end their 2011 play, I just laughed. Hey Mike, there is no such thing as a sure thing in baseball. Just ask any Met fan from ’88 who watched them fall to the Dodgers or any fan from ’06 who watched that game end on a strikeout. Difference there was us Met fans were holding our breath. Don’t think we EVER had that entitlement mindset prevalent with so many Yankee fans.

    Howard striking out to end the Phillies 2011 season? Just icing on the cake.
    See ya on the golf course boys.

  • Florida Met Fan Roch

    What would have happened if Ryan Howard homered, suffered the same injury and couldn’t circle the bases?

  • LWFS

    Deeeeeelightful. A tribute worth $125M over five years.

  • […] was their taking advantage of the Braves’ delicious collapse and there was their most welcome outclassing of the supposedly unbeatable Phillies. There was the best hitter maybe any of us has ever seen putting up the best individual World […]