The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Sunday Night at the Metsies (Part I)

Coming this Sunday night: The favorite football team of many (if not all) Mets fans, playing for the championship of its sport.

Coming NO Sunday night in 2012, as far as we know right now: The favorite baseball team of all Mets fans, playing for anything…not even to get us closer to 2013.

ESPN released its preliminary […]

He's a Met Fella, He's One of Us

There was Cleon and Tommie…

“I’ll track that thing down for ya.”

And Tom Terrific, who they also called The Franchise…

“Throw strikes.”

And Little Buddy…

“Let ’em hit it on the ground.”

Jerry the Kooz and Jerry the Catcher…

“Keep the ball down, would ya guy?”

Rusty the Orange…

“Hey, call me in a pinch.”

And his guy Mex who wasn’t even Mexican…

“A little […]

Carter: A Name, Not A Number

Gary Carter Stadium in Port St. Lucie…has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? Won’t happen, though, because Gary Carter was a catcher and isn’t a corporation. Some company few Mets fans had ever heard of before 2010 or have any idea what exactly it does owns the rights to the name of the Mets’ […]

Give That Team a Nat Sherman Cigar

Fine Sunday night for Cousin Harvey’s favorite football team. Satisfying retribution exacted against San Francisco for kidnaping New York’s first National League baseball team. Intriguing thought crossing my mind as I dare to dream that the forthcoming Giants-Patriots Super Bowl works out as well as the last one:

If the Giants win a fourth Super Bowl, […]

Nifty for Fifty

Several immediately upcoming events to know about with a Mets 50th anniversary flavor. Get out a shovel and dig a path to any and all of them.

• Sunday between 9 AM and 5 PM, MAB Celebrity Services is hosting 50 Years of Amazin’ Baseball at Citi Field’s Caesar’s Club. There’ll be Q&A, there’ll be autograph […]

Narrow Left Wing Conspiracy

Mike Pelfrey’s been re-signed, so that’s a load off our minds. If we didn’t have the tall wonder’s shortcomings on which to dwell, what starter’s lack of progress would obsess us ahead of Spring Training?

Jon Niese’s probably, which seems a little quick, considering he’s only 25 and has yet to make more than 30 starts […]

Harvey's Version

My dad’s one of those people who scans the Paid Death Notices in the Times to see if anybody he knows has recently become somebody he knew. He was surprised to discover his cousin Harvey was among the listings two Sundays ago. He died at 81 on January 4…or to put it in terms Harvey […]

For Donation: Reyes Shirt, Briefly Worn

That’s Joshua’s Jose Reyes shirt, off to Goodwill, and if you’ll excuse me I need a minute. There seems to be something in my eye.

Can't Fight City Hall

He could have been elected mayor at this moment.

If you didn’t make it to the ticker-tape parade the City of New York threw for its World Champion New York Mets in 1969, then by all means click right here for a delicious two-minute, forty-one second bite of it, courtesy of NYC Media. It’s […]

Tell Me Something Good

Johan Santana is throwing from flat ground in St. Lucie and hopes to be ready for Opening Day. Adam Rubin has the story here, MetsBlog offers SNY video here.

Even with too many other signs pointing downward, and even as there are “no assurances” that the ace of the staff will be ready to face the […]