- Faith and Fear in Flushing - https://www.faithandfearinflushing.com -

He’s a Met Fella, He’s One of Us

There was [1] Cleon and Tommie…

“I’ll track that thing down for ya.”

And Tom Terrific, who they also called The Franchise…

“Throw strikes.”

And Little Buddy…

“Let ’em hit it on the ground.”

Jerry the Kooz and Jerry the Catcher…

“Keep the ball down, would ya guy?”

Rusty the Orange…

“Hey, call me in a pinch.”

And his guy Mex who wasn’t even Mexican…

“A little tardy on that swing.”

And William the Mook…

“Gotta run.”

And then there was Hank McGraw’s high-strung brother Tug…

“Ya gotta believe!”

Eddie the Krane…

“What took ya so long?”

Gary the Kid…

“Don’t give up yet.”

Big Straw…

“We’re goin’ deep tonight, be ready.”

And Doc, who liked to operate alone but sometimes needed some help to finish the job.

“I’ll get it to ya later.”

And now there’s the fifteenth player in the club, Johnny Three Times, who got that nickname ‘cause he always loaded the bases.

“I’m gonna go put a guy on, put a guy on, put a guy on.”

Johnny drove us crazy [2], but he usually got us outta hot water. That’s why he’s made it in the crew [3] now. See, it’s the highest honor [4] they can give you, especially if you’re a kid from Bensonhurst.

Wise choice.