The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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All Things Considered

Hey, for the first 6 2/3 innings that was a helluva fun game. Swing and a drive from Lucas Duda, his first ever off a left-hander, Mets up 3-1, about to go seven over .500, take the first series in their gantlet of contests against powerful clubs, run their record against the hated Phillies to […]

The Citi Field 100th Episode Spectacular

Nobody can unearth a personal baseball milestone the way I can, yet other than acknowledging their existence — My 200th Win at Shea! My 500th Mets Game Anywhere! My 500th Regular Season Home Mets Game! — I don’t seem to do anything about them.

Not this time, though. Not when I saw my 100th game at […]

Nothing Cures Like Time & Love

It's a sign of the times.

Joyously watching the (mostly) 50th Anniversary-themed banners go by on Sunday from a carefully staked perch on the Delta Club patio, I couldn’t help but think about the banner parades that nobody seems to remember seeing — you know, the ones from after 1996 and before 2012. Somebody […]

Oh, And The Mets Lost

Some Metsian bookkeeping from Memorial Day 2012, when the caps were ugly and Jon Niese didn’t look much better:

• Jack Egbert, a righthanded reliever with a last name reminiscent of a weird comic I recall from my childhood (all the single-panel action took place in utero), pitched two-thirds of the ninth inning, making him the […]

A Banner Day for R.A.

Hot day at Citi Field: Emily and I easily spent $25 on bottled water, an expense I’d normally decry but accepted uncomplainingly as the cost of remaining upright. Besides his usual helping of hot dogs, Joshua got a massive “fresh-squeezed” lemonade (squeezed from a factory, by the taste of the stuff), a cherry Sno-Cone and a […]

That Old Time Religion

“Is this heaven?”
“It’s Iowa.”
“I could have sworn this was heaven.”
—The Kinsellas, father and son, Field of Dreams

The Saturday game was a matinee. Planes could be heard rumbling overhead on TV. Rusty Staub was in evidence. High and deep fly balls hit by the home team left the home park for home runs. So-called scrubs excelled. […]

The Other Guys

The Mets, despite being admirable scratchers and clawers, needed a laugher. Or at least a chuckler. I no longer believe that winning builds character — it seems more likely to me that winning leads others to ascribe character to you — but you can convince me that eking out narrow victories and getting crushed by […]

Banner Day in Saturday's Times

Interrupting Dillon Gee’s good work and some hockey game of local interest to note Saturday’s New York Times includes an essay by yours truly on the Mets’ revival of Banner Day, coming to a ballpark near you Sunday. You can read it here.

Casey & Dazzy to Davey & Rusty

On Saturday, the Mets will distribute 25,000 bobbleheaded likenesses of Daniel Joseph Staub, which is not the same thing as actual likenesses — the resemblance is primarily hair-deep — and may not be enough for the club to satisfy the honoree’s stated wish that “everyone comes out and gets one.” Nobody likes to imagine Customers […]

The Wreck of the Jeremy Hefner

In light of the dreary weather through which all concerned were compelled to muck Thursday night, the New York Mets have announced tickets from their 11-5 loss to the San Diego Padres can be redeemed for complimentary admission to tonight’s game.

But only if you’ve been bad.

Your conscience would have to wracked by a gaggle of […]