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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Ode from a Captain

I’m David Wright
I’ll be your captain
My club is the Mets
They’re not a nightmare I’m trapped in

My best’s what I’ll give
As I’ve always been doing
From the day I arrived
And met Joe McEwing

This is a great honor
No, I don’t need a “C”
But a little help in the outfield?
Well, that’s not up to me

My face is familiar
From my time in New York
Please don’t call me “our Jeter”
You sound like a dork

I once Captained America
The world was my stage
Though that was before
I strained my rib cage

The injury’s fine
It’s no big concern
Yet watching from the bench
Is a tough task to learn

When Terry can’t use me
I sit and I stew
Then I look at our lineup
And I sometimes ask, “Who?”

Ike’s on first
I Don’t Know’s the rest
Spring games don’t count
Which is all for the best

Taken from the top
Byrd’s leading off
A promising start!
(Cough cough cough)

Tejada at short
Don’t mind him a bit
As long as he remembers
That he knows how to hit

Then we’ve got Davis
Who’s healthy and hale
If he’s hurt again
This season’s a fail

Our power today
Comes from cleanup man Lutz
Plus he’s handling my sack
Let’s hope he’s no klutz

Duda bats fifth
And then dons a glove
When fly balls are aimed there
Seek help from Above

Behind the plate
Crouches John Buck
He’s got loads of experience
If not timing or luck

Fleet of foot
And sure of hand
Meet Matt den Dekker
As I’m sure you had planned

Playing second base:
Omar Quintanilla
Making a fraction, no doubt,
Of what Fred’s paying Bonilla

Hefner’s the pitcher
He’s still standing straight
Between Johan and Marcum
That alone’s pretty great

Our rotation’s not bad
It can go fairly deep
But listening to Niese
Tends to hasten team sleep

There’s much more to the Mets
We’re on our way up
I’ll bet I get to hoist a trophy
Before Jordany remembers his cup

I dig all my teammates
I’m happy they’re here
Yet why do I suspect
Another long year?

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