The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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The Speed of Summer

For a decade now Emily and Joshua and I have spent a week at the end of the summer on Long Beach Island, the 18-mile strip of beach just north of Atlantic City.

Greg and I traded assignments this week; he got stuck with Wednesday night’s game and the interminable spectacle of whatever it is Daisuke […]

The Glory of Ralph Kiner's Times

“[A]nd in 1912 I won 26. That’s the year I won 19 straight — I didn’t lose a single game in 1912 until July 8! Actually, I won 20 straight, not 19, but because of the way they scored then I didn’t get credit for one of them. […] Well, at any rate that record […]

44 Thoughts Between Pitches

1. Daisuke Matsuzaka receives the ball back from Travis d’Arnaud.

2. Daisuke Matsuzaka is thinking.

3. Daisuke Matsuzaka is still thinking.

4. Like most Mets fans, I’m thinking, “When is Daisuke Matsuzaka going to throw the ball?”

5. Daisuke Matsuzaka sure takes his time.

6. Daisuke Matsuzaka’s reputation has preceded him to Citi Field. SNY was prepared Wednesday night with […]

Niese In Our Time

I went to a baseball game Tuesday night and Jonathon Niese broke out.

I didn’t go to see Niese. I never go with the express purpose of seeing Niese. I went for the Gary, Keith & Ron bobblehead. That was the inanimate object I craved, not Niese. Grass grows, paint dries, Niese pitches. It’s not usually […]

Bye-Bye Buck, Byrd

I remain amazed, even in my 45th season of rooting for one baseball team, how quickly its personnel turns over. On Opening Day, I applauded 25 active players who were introduced in Mets uniforms. Only four of those men have retained that status uninterrupted since: Daniel Murphy, Dillon Gee, LaTroy Hawkins and Scott Rice. Matt […]

Joker 1, Dark Knight 0

The Mets lost 2-1. Nobody cares. Nobody would have cared if they’d lost 130-1, or if they’d won 130-1. That’s because the Mets and all of us were staggered by today’s asteroid-hits-the-mammals news out of Citi Field.

And here’s a bit of news: I know why Matt Harvey got hurt. Look at this picture I took […]

We're Not Doctors

Matt Harvey this afternoon told reporters, “I’m not a doctor.” At last I can confirm I have something in common with someone I heretofore assumed was everything and could do anything.

Matt’s not a doctor, so he can’t say much about the partial UCL tear heard ’round the world except that his right forearm had been […]

The Miguel Cabrera Traveling All-Stars

I do believe the Mets just got themselves barnstormed. Big, fancy hittin’ show done pulled into town and rolled over our humble, local baseball enterprise. Raised lots of money and entertained a whole lot of folks, so I guess it was all in a good cause.

It’s better to look at the weekend just past — […]

That's The Way of The World

Late summer is the season of easy denial. If the atmospheric conditions are generous, there’s not a damn thing wrong when you step outside and obviously there never will be. Warmth is a given. Cool dribbles in as needed. It’s not at all hot. It’s surely not cold. It’s Baby Bear weather.

It’s just right.

What’s all […]

Garbage Time Is Here Again

Watching Daisuke Matsuzaka get spanked the Tigers, I found myself depressed.

I wasn’t depressed because Matsuzaka got pummeled, though that wasn’t much fun — the Mets put up a bit of a fight early, then trudged through the rest of the game. Matsuzaka said after the game that he found himself after the Tigers’ initial barrage, […]