The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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The Real Future

The National League East is a mess. In every other division, run differential is a pretty fair predictor of W-L record. In the NL East, the run differentials by place in the standings currently look like this: 0, +39, -5, -1, -40. The 0 squad is the Braves, in first place by the thinnest of […]

Two Beautiful Games

Saturday began with soccer, which is how absolutely none of my Saturdays have ever begun and perhaps will never begin again. I came downstairs to find the Brazil-Chile match on the living room television. Stephanie had it on with the sound off while she was reading. It remained on with the sound off for quite […]

Hello Again, Little Black Cloud

Welp, the little black cloud is back.

This was a 2014 Mets game concocted from all-too-familiar ingredients: The recipe calls for mostly good starting pitching, a pretty good bullpen, no offense, some fundamentally dumb baseball, a dash of tragedy and a pinch of farce. Stir for nearly four hours and you get an aggravating, annoying loss.

I said […]

It's a Long Way to Tipperary

The baseball season gives the fan 162 opportunities to reach definitive conclusions — or a million or so snap judgments that are subject to change. Take the one I came to during the 79th game of this Met season as you will.

Watching Thursday night, as the recently hot Mets receded into coolness versus Gregory Polanco’s […]

We Lost, But...

It’s dangerous to saddle wins or losses with caveats. Wins are good, losses are bad. You depart from this simple equation at your peril.

The Mets put themselves in an eight-run hole tonight against the A’s, as Zack Wheeler had no feel whatsoever for his curveball and iffy location with everything. (He also claimed the A’s had […]

Out On the Edge of Darkness

Now I’ve been happy lately
Thinking about the good things to come
And I believe it could be
Something good has begun

Perhaps it’s because once Marcell Ozuna threw out Kirk Nieuwenhuis at home plate to end Friday night’s game one brick shy of a tie, the baseball gods had simply run out of quintessentially Metsian ways to saddle […]

New York State of Should

The Mets recorded 17 hits on Sunday afternoon. I didn’t know they had 17 players. They also won their fourth game in their last five. At that rate…nah, I’m not gonna pin my hopes on .800 ball played across the final 91 games of the season working out to a win total of 103.

Though you’ll […]

Here Comes Summer

Summer and Jacob deGrom’s first big league win each arrived in good stead on Saturday. Summer, as the artificial-lemonade commercials used to tell us, is only here a short while. DeGrom, one hopes, will stick around so long that the length of his career will rival the length of his locks. Paradoxically, time of game […]

Take ’Em All, More or Less

Each Mets game lately seems to come preordained with a finite number of runs. Friday there was no way there were going to be more than five altogether. Pity, then, that the Marlins got to three first.

The tiny glint of optimism I still allow myself told me this was going to be a more productive […]

The Essence of Patience

Hey, sometimes you can develop players and win games at the same time!

It helps when the young player in question has the arsenal of Zack Wheeler and the command of that arsenal shown by the Zack Wheeler we saw Thursday night. I differentiate the two not to be snarky, but because that’s the way it […]