Enjoy this one. There isn’t much time in every sense of the concept.
Enjoy this one. There’s another game in a couple of hours.
Enjoy this one. There’s only four more overall.
Enjoy this one. Wright’s shoulder issue [1] sounds vexing, to say the least. Let’s enjoy baseball news that isn’t solely injury news.
Enjoy this one. D’Arnaud’s absence is a bit of a concocted mystery [2] (it doesn’t have to be so mysterious), but at least we got another look at the flexibly pronounceable Juan Centeno [3].
Enjoy this one. Maybe we’ll find something to say about Wilfredo Tovar [4] and Erik Goeddel [5] before this weekend is done.
Enjoy this one. Dillon Gee balked, the first Mets balk of the year, and there was no ultimate screwage from it.
Enjoy this one. Curtis Granderson [6] is hot. It probably won’t carry over into April, but he seems like a swell guy.
Enjoy this one. We beat the Nationals [7]. We almost never do that and not too many others do, either.
Enjoy this one. Gee faltered, but our bullpen picked him up.
Enjoy this one. Lots of hits, a decent amount of runs and a neat double play salvaged from a bad throw home.
Enjoy this one. Gary and Ron. Howie and Josh. It doesn’t get better.
Enjoy this one. Wilmer Flores [8] looks kind of real. Try to not think what kind of license that gives the front office for not trying to find a legitimate shortstop.
Enjoy this one. It’s baseball on a chilly, rainy day en route to baseball on a chilly, rainy evening and we get to watch it on TV or listen to it on the radio without getting wet and cold.
Enjoy as many of these as you can. There aren’t enough of them left.