The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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If You're Gooden Hungry

How about lunch? How about lunch with Doc Gooden? How about lunch with Doc Gooden for a compelling baseball cause?

If any or all of the above intrigues you, look into what’s coming three weeks from today, Saturday, February 21, in White Plains. It’s an opportunity to spend some quality time with one of the premier […]

Charlie Williams and Destiny Redirected

This here’s a story about Charlie Williams, a young pitcher who seemed destined for if not big, then definitely specific things. Consider what can be gleaned about C.W. from his C.V.

• Born in Flushing fourteen years before ground was broken on the stadium that would make that Queens village world-famous.

• Matriculated at Great Neck South […]

Third Time’s Another Charm

The kid who made The Flip, the Say Hey Kid who made The Catch. (Photo courtesy of San Francisco Giants)

Is there any better antidote to chilly days than Willie Mays? Is there any doubt that No. 24 could melt the 24 inches of snow projected to blanket our Metropolitan Area if you gave […]

Mr. Selfless

Ernie Banks on a 1969 baseball card shot at Shea Stadium. No way it wasn’t a beautiful day.

We know what Ernie Banks, Mr. Cub, had to say about doubleheaders. Yet I thought it might be fitting to remember there was more to the man who passed away Friday eight days shy of his […]

All About First Place

I recently found myself in a store called Healthy Alternatives, an establishment that bills itself as a “holistic center and specialty shop”. Amid all the doodads and potions designed to reduce a person’s stress hung a sign:

“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”

The attribution was “Unknown,” but I assume […]

Once More for The Glider

KVELL: To beam with pride and pleasure
KVETCH: To complain
—From “Selected Yiddish Words and Phrases,” courtesy of some considerate landsmen in Santa Barbara, Calif.

A Mets fan generally finds himself kvetching or kvelling. It’s tempting to kvetch about the sleepy offseason that followed the signing of Michael Cuddyer or the way the Mets apparently charge […]

Anybody (Else) Love Wilmer?

Some players you take an instant liking to. I took an instant liking to Wilmer Flores when he first came up two Augusts ago. He’s likable. He’s rootable. I’m rooting for him to succeed if indeed he is the Mets’ starting shortstop in the year ahead. I rooted for morning-line starting second baseman Brad Emaus […]

Great Hornsby's Ghost!

You see all sorts of people with an interest in the Mets at the Queens Baseball Convention. This past Saturday, just inside the door and before I could unbundle my topcoat, I ran into the man they called the Rajah — Rogers Hornsby, the club’s first batting instructor in 1962. I recognized him by his […]

FAFIF's At QBC...How About You?

A late but sincere reminder: the Queens Baseball Convention takes place Saturday at McFadden’s Citi Field, doors opening at 11:30 AM, fun never ending. A great day is planned, not just because Mookie Wilson, Wally Backman and Ed Charles headline an all-Metsian day, but because you’ll be surrounded by Mets fans of all stripe.

Well, blue […]

Pedro's Bookends

The one advanced metric I haven’t seen bandied about much this Hall of Fame winter is HAV: Happiness Above Victory. HAV measures how much sheer joy one derives from the successes of a given player beyond merely being glad that the player contributed to your favorite team’s winning.

On the basis of HAV, just as by […]