The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Cyber Monday Alert

If this is the day you shop online for the holidays — and if you define “the holidays” as the approach of the next baseball season — then do I have a deal for you.

Go to Amazon or Barnes & Noble and pre-order Amazin’ Again: How the 2015 New York Mets Brought the Magic Back to Queens. It’s a book so fresh it’s still being written.

By me. Some of you asked for it and, son of a gun, it’s on its way.

I’ll tell you more about it as it becomes closer to real, but it is about to exist and it will capture the events and emotions surrounding the season we just lived through, the one where our team won the pennant and made us all proud.

Helluva story, huh? Man, I can’t wait to read it as soon as I finish writing it.

I’d love to tell you you can place it by the tree or adjacent to the menorah or wherever you like immediately, but it won’t be published until March. But that’s OK. Spring Training is our version of the Advent calendar. Come March, you’ll be anticipating 2016 and hoping it will exceed 2015 and you’ll be thinking about 2015 and there’ll be a book in your hands to bring it all back to you.

So pre-order now if such a proposition entices you. And please excuse me while I get back to writing the final portion of it.

And if you need a lovely baseball book as the non-baseball holidays near, you can’t go wrong with this one or this one.

23 comments to Cyber Monday Alert

  • Kevin From Flushing

    Can’t wait!

  • open the gates

    Definitely on my shopping list.

  • Jacobs27

    That’s the best news I’ve heard in since the NLCS.

  • Pre ordered this morning!

  • Daniel Hall

    Ha! Ordered! You could be selling dead puppies and I’d still be in.

  • SkillSets

    Don’t let Cerrone’s Comcast SNY Mets Blog steal it!

  • joenunz

    aha! so that’s why I haven’t been getting free Greg Prince content on the interwebs!

    • You have inferred correctly. Legitimate FAFIF content will return once the manuscript is completed. I basically have only the World Series left, so that can probably be covered with “RATS!”

      • Eric

        Take time and care constructing your narrative for what happened in the WS and what it meant in the context of the 2015 season.

        So much exciting and unexpected happened step after giddy step to reach the mountaintop of the WS. It was a pinch-me-am-I-dreaming gift to watch the Mets – the team that had started the 2015 season still as the LOLMets – competing in the WS. And then … what happened? I haven’t wrapped my mind around that part of it. I may just copy your take and paste it onto my mind.

  • srt

    Thanks for the heads up. Just pre ordered it.

  • eric1973

    Opening Day is our Christmas Day, anyway!

    Another great present would be seeing Duda shipped off somewhere, and just hope we do not face him during those few rare weeks during the season when he decides to hit.

    David Wright at 1B? How many 1B hit second in the lineup with limited power?

    David Wright at 3B? How many 3B hit second in the lineup with limited power? Uh-Oh!

    • Nick

      Yes, we are in trouble with DW. Duda too, though I can live with him. (Or thought I could, till Inning 9 of Game 5…)

      We should just make sure we’re strong defensively. With this pitching staff, that’s what’s most needed. (Think of all the misplays during the Series and how deadly they were — I can’t even review them, it’s all too painful….)

      Look forward to the book, Greg!

  • Paul Blackwood

    Faith and Fear was my first Mets book read (of many) and I always wondered if you’d write more.

    Awesome. And thankyou.

  • You’re gonna need some nice cover artwork to go along with that fancy new book. I’m your man.

  • EMW

    I’m all in. FAFIF was the first baseball book I ever read.

  • Lenny65

    This will be a lot better than your 2008 book, “Ooops They Did It Again, Nice Going Assholes”, as well-written as it was.

    Kidding, LOVED FAFIF and will anxiously be awaiting this one! I’ll never tire of re-living 2015 (except for the end).

    • EMW

      Maybe Greg will write a different ending.

      • Lenny65

        Or the 2007 book, “I Knew They’d Screw It All Up…Your 2007 Mets”. Or the book covering 2009-2014, which is really more of a pamphlet.

        At least my sense of humor is finally returning, I kind of lost it there late in WS Game Five. Seriously though, I can’t wait to re-live 2015 before 2016 rolls around, just to prime the pump for what I believe will be a season of victory and dominance.

  • pockmarx

    Do not under any circumstances suggest in your book that Sandy Alderson had any intention of trading Wheeler and Flores for Gomez. That nonsense was a bluff pure and simple and you and I both know it. Alderson suckered the Giants into the Wheeler trade and he ripped off the Jays in the Dickey deal. To suggest he would have given up Wheeler and Flores for Gomez is baloney so please do not insult the intellegence of your readers by implying otherwise. Do not tell your readership about your secret contacts in the media or the Mets front office. There is no need to lie. Give Alderson credit for simply being smarter than his rival GM’s at this particular moment in time.

  • How about making it into a novel with a super happy ending that makes 1986 and 1969 seem like Ingmar Bergman movies by comparison? You could have d’Arnaud gunning down every runner while laughing at their folly, Murphy hitting a tenth-inning series-ending Game 5 homer after calling his shot, and Utley spontaneously combusting from all the stored-up pure evil inside. At the very end, Cespedes lifts up his right arm and is carried into heaven by a parakeet/canary/rallykeet/whatever that thing was.