The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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The Golden Hour

The golden hour is upon us, that handful of days preceding the start of the regular season when we no longer require convincing that time hasn’t stood still since the last out of the World Series (or, in our case, the Wild Card Game). We feel the dearth move under our feet. Nothingness is shuffling […]

Meeting Miss Shea Liberty

Together once.

Miss Shea Liberty and I go way back, to her New York days.

Together again.

Spring Touches Visitor to New England

Happy one-month anniversary of when the Mets started playing games that didn’t count, don’t count and won’t count until April 3. Spring Training schedules don’t traditionally engender milestones while in progress, but this year, with the World Baseball Classic motivating early birds everywhere, what we call “spring” began in earnest amid the indisputable dead of […]

Last of the Old School

Dallas Green, who managed the Mets through a lean period of fizzled prospects and bad uniforms, died yesterday at 82.

It’s funny paying tribute to someone whose baseball resume lists more accomplishments for other franchises. Green was most definitely “ours,” a Mets pitcher in the summer of 1966 (albeit for five undistinguished innings) and then a manager for […]

One There Could Write That Team

It was only natural that Jimmy Breslin addressed the Mets’ status at the top of the heap in 1986. Breslin covered the Mets in 1962, when they concluded their affairs eighty games from breaking even. They buried themselves so deeply beneath .500, they’re still trying to dig out in the cumulative sense. Chances are they […]

A Fist Pump in the Morning

I’m guessing the last time I made any kind of directly baseball-related gesture of exultation after sunrise and before noon was March 30, 2000, when Armando Benitez struck out Joe Girardi to seal the Mets’ eleven-inning 5–1 victory over the Cubs in Tokyo, a game best remembered for the grand slam Benny Agbayani launched to […]

Why ‘Piazza’?

I was very happy when Mike Piazza was elected to the Hall of Fame on his fourth try, though probably not as happy as I was irked when he wasn’t elected on his first, second and third tries. Judging by the real-time reactions that exploded every January between 2013 and 2016, I wasn’t alone in […]

How Did Zack Look?

Friday there was a reason to pay attention to what was going on in Florida. Zack Wheeler was pitching. There was no TV or radio transmitting back to us how Zack looked live, which was too bad, because for a team whose likely composition is largely known, Wheeler’s 2017 isn’t a projection we can reflexively […]

What If We Had an Opening Day and Nobody (New) Came?

I was going over the Mets’ spring roster the other day because of a suspicion that’s kept bubbling up in my brain.

Tomas Nido’s too young. So are Amed Rosario and Wuilmer Becerra. None of those guys is going to make the Opening Day roster. Travis Taijeron’s been passed over before and the Mets already have 75 […]

Taken Out to the Ballgame

The stars aligned for the Mets in the middle 1980s, and in his way, nobody did more to display them than Bill Webb. He caught the rising stars so we could watch them shine on Channel 9. He did for this franchise what Jason Lee as Jeff Bebe as more or less Glenn Frey asked […]