The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Fair Weather for Todd Frazier

I want to be on a winning team with Todd Frazier.

I want to be pointed at by Todd Frazier while he stands on second and nods vigorously in my direction.

I want to […]

Just a Game (Is All You Need)

Goodness knows the Mets have had plenty of drama in this very strange year. But every so often, they play a baseball game that’s just a baseball game, refreshingly free of sideshows and controversies and agita. And it’s a reminder that, to quote the endlessly quotable Bull Durham, “this game’s fun, damn it.”

At our house […]

Fallen Mount, Necessary Recap, Thud Thud Thud

On Friday night the Mets lost, and they lost in a very 2019 Mets way: good start that felt like it should have been better, not enough offense, poor relief, a silly sideshow.

The GSTFLISHBB game from Jacob deGrom, which feels like you could put an “of course” on it for ironic effect, except you could […]

Comeback Kids

My Met fandom is not an unbroken line from seeing my mom jumping up and down and cheering for Rusty Staub to now. Yes, my mom’s joy is my first Mets memory — and one of my earliest memories of anything — but in 1981 I lost the thread. That year my Topps cards are […]

Vargy! My Man!

Vargy! Vargy baby! Where ya goin’? C’mon, have a seat. Lemme buy ya a cold one. Barkeep — anything my man Vargy wants, it’s on me. My man worked up quite a sweat out there tonight.

Listen, Vargy, that was some game […]

Side Effects May Include Losing

Maybe Mickey Callaway took some cold medicine early in Tuesday night’s game. I took some cold medicine early in Tuesday night’s game and saw printed clearly on the back of the box, WARNING: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MAKE PITCHING CHANGES.

Really, […]

Not Too Early to Get Late

The Mets lost, this time not with the thunder of a bullpen avalanche but with the merest whimper. Steven Matz had one of his games where he shows up for duty in the second inning instead of the first, the offense began and ended with a solo home run, and Amed Rosario had a wretched […]

If the Mets Fall in the Desert...

Most of the Mets game I watched Saturday night was pretty good. Jacob deGrom was outstanding, looking more like Jake from 2018 than he has since he was making beautiful music in Miami in early April. Todd Frazier continued to bring the power despite being written off in multiple quarters as an irredeemable […]

Win 82 for Zack

Zack Wheeler, in his fifth major league season of actually pitching as opposed to healing, has never pitched for a Mets team that finished with a winning record. The only two good seasons during his injury-interrupted tenure were the seasons he missed with Tommy John surgery and […]