The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Honeymoon in Flushing

Welcome to A Met for All Seasons, a series in which we consider a given Met who played in a given season and…well, we’ll see.

I can’t keep looking back at the past, and I have nothing inside of here that is the future.
—Aidy Bryant on her childhood journal, Saturday Night Live at Home, April 24, […]

Pitching With Mister P

Welcome to A Met for All Seasons, a series in which we consider a given Met who played in a given season and…well, we’ll see.

In the mid-80s, while I was off at boarding school, I got a letter from my mother. That wasn’t odd, but what was inside was. My mother had sent me a folded-up article […]

A Pie in the Face

In the final World Series baseball played in the (reportedly) pre-Steve Cohen era of (potential) Metsian salvation, the pitcher who shouldn’t have been removed from the mound came out too soon; the player who had to be removed from the field came back against sound judgment; and the championship tournament appended to a season that […]

The Model of a Modern Pitcher

Welcome to A Met for All Seasons, a series in which we consider a given Met who played in a given season and…well, we’ll see.

In the 2012 offseason, the Mets made a controversial deal, sending knuckleball artist and fan favorite R.A. Dickey to the Blue Jays for a return built around a minor-leaguer who was seen as a […]

Local Boy Made Good

Welcome to A Met for All Seasons, a series in which we consider a given Met who played in a given season and…well, we’ll see.

I’m solid gold
I’ve got the goods
They stand when I walk
Through the neighborhoods
—David Naughton

In 1989’s Field of Dreams, the fresh-faced kid Ray Kinsella and Terence Mann picked up hitchhiking seemed to […]

All 89 Mets Postseason Games Ranked

They were 89 moments in the sun, 89 moments under the spotlight, 89 days and nights of our lives when little else mattered to us. I mean more than usual.

“The Mets go melodramatic in October,” Roger Angell once wrote. “It’s in their genes.” Here we inspect the DNA and report the findings. Here we do […]

After the Fall

Welcome to A Met for All Seasons, a series in which we consider a given Met who played in a given season and…well, we’ll see.

Oh yeah
Life goes on
Long after the thrill
Of livin’ is gone
—John Mellencamp

FLUSHING (FAF) — Matt Harvey, one of the towering New York Met figures of his time, may opt out of participating […]

A Mobile Moment

Welcome to A Met for All Seasons, a series in which we consider a given Met who played in a given season and…well, we’ll see.

The biggest moment in Mets history is also one of the quietest. You’ve seen it: With two outs in the ninth of Game 5 of the 1969 World Series, Davey Johnson hits a fly […]

The M Met

Welcome to A Met for All Seasons, a series in which we consider a given Met who played in a given season and…well, we’ll see.

In the summer of 2015, an undermanned and shoddily constructed Mets club stumbled along, refusing to fall entirely out of contention despite scoring the fewest runs in the National League, battling injuries, and having […]

Elimination Nation Rejoice!

We’ve had little to rejoice in this year, so let us rejoice in the postseason elimination of others. Not just any others, but the others we wish eliminated annually. Daily, really.

Happy Elimination Day, civilized world! Hell, take the whole weekend!

Congratulations, Rays. Congratulations, all of us.