The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

“Do you have any other ideas? It’s getting late.”
“Can’t we use the downtrodden team again?”
“Nah, a three-episode arc is enough. Besides, the idea that you’d need to eke out one-run wins in consecutive episodes, the second of them in extra innings while the ancestors of the downtrodden team that beat the ancestors of the visiting […]

Fairness and the Lack of It

It looked like everything had finally come together for the A’s. Not a new stadium without acres upon acres of foul ground, lots of other deficiencies and, well, possums — that’s too much to ask. And not owners more interested in building a winner than in civic extortion — ditto. But good starting pitching and […]

Not Our Problem to Fix

Baseball is a fine diversion in all its forms, with one of its bedrock pleasures how those forms change day to day. On Friday the Mets inflicted horrors on the A’s and the A’s inflicted horrors on themselves, leading to a 17-6 win unique in the annals of Met scorekeeping and verging on unique for […]

17 Walks of Memory and Renewal

A walker can examine our past and present up close and come to some hazy conclusion over where we might be heading, not unlike Alexis de Tocqueville and Charles Dickens and so many others did when wandering similar byways during another uneasy patch of our history.
—Neil King, Jr.

If you took every 90 feet worth of […]

Doin’ Met Things

When the Mets win, it’s best that the Mets win by doin’ Met things. When the Mets win, perhaps it’s not important to give the win a litmus test and just accept the W, but it’s more comforting to sense the Mets are functioning as they are supposed to so a given win doesn’t come […]

The Future Obeys Its Own Timetable

Try to remember that Francisco Alvarez is all of 21.

The kid was the last out of Tuesday night’s game against the Padres, batting with the tying run on second. He was facing Josh Hader, whose wildness had gotten him into trouble that inning but arguably served him well against Alvarez. Hader threw two balls to […]

Game Eleven Rather Than Game Four

Six months and one day after it would have done the most good, the Mets beat the Padres at Citi Field. It didn’t tie up last October’s National League Wild Card Series at two apiece, because that was a best-of-three set. Noted baseball analyst Carole King says it’s too late, baby, to do anything about […]

The Slog

Sunday was another at least mildly notable first for the still-young 2023 season, and unfortunately I’m not referring to the sophomore-year debut of Francisco Alvarez. Our catcher of the future went one for four, with the one a dunker of an RBI single, while making some good throws to second and one bad one. One […]

Kodai, By Way of Hobie

Someday, perhaps, there will be another Kodai who plays for the New York Mets. I’d like to think that soon there will be a son of Mets fans, and his parents will name him for the righthander who left the Miami Marlins mostly spooked in his first two outings in the United States, the second […]

You Again

Because it’s too early for more complex assessments, so far the Mets new season is a stark either-or: They’re either beating up on the Marlins or getting walloped by the Brewers.

Monday through Wednesday saw our gray-clad lads off under the roof in Wisconsin, where they spent two days looking gobsmacked while Bernie Brewer went down […]