The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Mood-Altering Wins

I followed Thursday afternoon’s game from Citi Field as much as I possibly could, and it followed me almost but not fully everywhere I had to go. Thursday afternoons can be uncooperative that way. I had TV at the beginning and end, radio on and off in the middle, and pitches missed here and there. […]

In Which the Kids Go on a Big Adventure With Their Polar Bear Pal

For most of Wednesday night, my only thought was that feeling pain because of the Mets was actually progress: better writhing in agony than sitting dour and numb watching another night of bad baseball, as we have for the last three and a half weeks.

Kodai Senga was the best he’s looked as a Met, with […]

Nope, Still Not Going Well

The Mets said all the right things after getting beaten by the Rays 8-5 on Tuesday night in a game that was not nearly as close as the final score suggests. Justin Verlander talked about understanding the fans’ frustration and about how the players were frustrated too and about needing to work hard. Buck Showalter […]

It's Not Going Well

A confounding Mets season took another confounding turn Monday afternoon, when the team followed up Sunday’s burst of offensive competence (counterpoint, maybe the Nationals decided to experiment and do Whip-Its between innings) by once again looking like an outfit with zero resemblance to a professional baseball team. Going into Monday, you might have said, “Well, […]

Double-Dip Into Your Pocket

On May 9, 1972, it rained in New York, which, then as now, is an unfortunate occurrence when a baseball game is scheduled in the Metropolitan Area. The Mets were to play the Dodgers at Shea Stadium that Tuesday night, meaning that baseball game would have to be made up. The good news was the […]

A Three-Run What?

The important thing: The Mets actually won.

The less important thing: The Mets barely won a thoroughly strange, confounding game against the Nationals, one that left you without much confidence that any kind of worm has turned in any direction one would want a worm to turn. (If you’ve ever wondered, that strange turn [ahem] of […]

As Bad As They Look When They’re Losing

When the Mets’ 5-0 loss at Cincinnati completed its appointed rounds on SNY Thursday afternoon, the postgame show came on, with Todd Zeile seated as the designated authority on all things disappointing. He was a good choice for the job, seeing as how Zeile was right in the middle of disappointment aplenty as the 2001 […]

Old Mets Throwing Strikes

The New York Mets currently have on their roster five pitchers who were born before their last world championship, which speaks to both the age of the pitchers and the last world championship. One, Max Scherzer, hasn’t been able to make his most recent scheduled start because of neck spasms. One, Tommy Hunter, missed time […]

A Basic Baseball Equation

The Mets have been both bad and unwatchable for the better part of two weeks, so Tuesday night counted as progress: They were watchable.

Watchable, as they fought back after being put in a deep hole by David Peterson, Stephen Nogosek, and (one could argue) the umpiring crew, which missed a ball headed for Francisco Lindor‘s […]

The Luck of the Unlucky

In the Mets’ first four seasons, the club twice lost home games by a score of 13-6. The first of them, on May 30, 1962, marked the coming out party for a chant you might hear enthusiastically when the Mets are coming on strong or ironically when the Mets pausing from going down meekly: “a […]